What is the weather today?
caliente / hace sol
What season is it now?
What is the weather in the winter?
Hace frío / Hace nieves / Nieva.
What season is after summer?
What is your favorite season?
Any answer!
Name a red food
manzana, fresa, tomate
Name a yellow food
Banana, pasta
Name a green food
Avocado (aguacate), kiwi, green beans (frijoles)
Name a brown food
beef (carne de vaca/res), pork (cerdo), bread (pan)
Name an orange food
orange (naranjas), carrot (zanahoria)
¿Qué hora es? 2:45
Son las tres menos cuarto.
¿Qué hora es? : 8:15
Son las ocho y cuarto.
¿A qué estamos hoy?
What is today's date?
Hoy es venitiuno de febrero.
Tú ____________ estudante.
Ella ___________ profesora.
What do you wear on your head?
hat (or baseball cap)
sombrero (gorra)
What do you wear on your legs?
Pants (or jeans or shorts)
los pantalones (vaqueros / shorts)
What do you wear on your feet?
What is your favorite food?
What is your favorite color?
What is the place to get gas for your car?
gas station (la gasolinera)
What is the place where you shop for food?
grocery store (or supermarket)
el supermercado
What is the place with students and teachers?
school (or college)
la escuela (colegio)
What is the place to go if you are sick?
Hospital (or clinic)
What is the place in your town to check out books?
la biblioteca