What season is it now?
What is the Past tense of Go?
Where can you swim?
In the pool, in the sea, at the beach, in the river
What color is the sun?
Where can you read books?
library, bookstore
Make a Sentence with the irregular verb "bought"
I bought a scooter ......
Past Tense of Catch
What is the capital of Russia?
What are the 7 colors in a rainbow?
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
Name 4 continents?
What shape is a pizza
Name 5 things in a classroom
notebook,pens,desks, whiteboard, computers
Name 5 things in a kitchen
spoon, fork ,table, fridge, etc.....
What animal has a tail?
dogs, cats ...
Name three subjects in english... you cant say English class.
Math, science, art, music, social studies, etc
Name 3 animals in English that live in the water
Dolphin, fish, Turtle
Past Tense of "go"
Name 4 toys
a ball, a car, a riding horse, a doll, a teddy bear
What is "truck" in British English
Name 3 Songs in english
Name the months of the year
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Name 7 days of the week
Read 3 pieces of rap
Say date of your birth