What is your Favorite animal?
My favorite animal is _______.
Say all the "to be" verbs
I am, he is, she is, we are, they are
Name 3 housewares
Blender, utensils, mixer, pots and pans, cups, plates
Name a item to cook with
skillet, spatula, whisk
I want to go to ______
Church, a restaurant, the theater, work
My favorite Color is ____
I have, he has, she has, they have, we have
Name 5 fruits and vegetables
Name a temperature
I want to ______
play, listen, hang, read, sleep
I am _____ years old.
Name all the "love" verbs
I love, he loves, she loves, we love, they love
Name 5 toys
ball, castle, stuffies, blocks, planes, trains, games
name a cooking verb
stir, mix, add
I want to go ______
Shopping, visit family
What is your name?
My names is ______.
Name all the "work" verbs
I work, he works, she works, we work, they work
Name 3 clothing items
coat, jacket, dress shoes, pants, beanie, hat, t-shirt, shoes, tenis
name a prep cooking word
Regular: This past weekend I ______
Played, Watched, Worked, Shopped, Visited
How large is your family?
My family is _____ or _____.
I am going, he is going, she is going, we are going, they are going
Name 3 appliances
Give a direction to the class during a cooking lesson
many choices.
Irregular verbs: This past weekend I _____
slept, went____ , Read, Hung out