Factors of Program Models
programs used in districts where the language minority population is very diverse and represents many different languages
What are ESL programs?
a secure environment and having a class where they are the same as their classmates
What are ESL Pull-out advantages?
the amount of different home languages in a district
What are district or school demographics?
This is generally used in elementary school settings. Students spend part of the school day in a mainstream classroom, but are pulled out for a portion of each day to receive instruction in English as a second language.
What is ESL Pull-Out?
provides personalized language situations (which advantage is this)
What is specialized instruction?
classrooms available for ESL pull-out
What are material resources?
An individual who has a native/home language other than English whether born in the U.S. or another country, and whose difficulties in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language may impact the ability to meet the State's proficient level of achievement on State assessments.
What is the definition of a LEP (Limited English Proficient) student?
perceived as remedial program for low ability and students will miss class content
What are shortcomings of ESL Pull-out?
a student's academic background
What are student characteristics?
students are taught parts of the curriculum through English and not just English as a language
What is content-based ESL?
program that group LEP students together and instruct them in a manner similar to that used in foreign language classes
What is a stand-alone program?
the amount of trained teachers for LEP students
What are district or school resources?
When a language minority student will be taught all day in the majority language, often alongside fluent speakers of the majority language.
What is mainstreaming/submersion education?
increase the students English proficiency in oral, listening, reading, and writing skills
What are the goals of ESL Pull-out?
A program that is tailored to meet the linguistic, academic, and effective needs of students; provides language minority students with the instruction necessary to allow them to progress through school at a rate commensurate with their native English speaking peers; and makes the best use of district and community resources.
What is a successful program model?