English Storylines
Is this an example of the past progressive / continuous? Explain:

"I was running to store when..."

Yes. If they had said "I tripped and fell while on my way to the store," that would be the simple past.  


Define one of the following terms:

clueless | tag along | hook someone up | third wheel

clueless - to have no idea / background info

tag along - to join someone as an afterthought

hook someone up - to connect someone with someone else or something else

third wheel - someone who is with a committed couple, and to feel awkward as they fawn over one another.


What are some traditions for Valentine's Day?

A few include:

- sending a card of friendship / admiration to your friends / romantic interests

- Sometimes sharing some candy, especially chocolate, or another fun thing, like a teddy bear, heart balloons, flowers, etc.


This verb tense is used to emphasize a long past action

The past progressive / continuous


"I was eating so much cotton candy in those days."


Define the term downer

Aka a debbie-downer, this is a person that is negative or not very fun to be around (sometimes temporarily, sometimes always).  

Share some info about the history of Valentine's Day

It was originally a pagan holiday

St. Valentine got in trouble for marrying roman soldiers

Cupid was the son of Venus, and caused people to fall in love, etc.


Give me two examples of the past progressive tense:

"I was running every day for at least 30 minutes"

"She was eating a lot of pie while she was pregnant."


What is the difference between who's and whose?

Who's is a contraction that does NOT show possession, but is a contraction for "who is" or "who has"; example: "Who's (Who is) here for the football game?"

Whose is the possessive form of who: Example:

"Who knows whose ball that is? Anyone?"


What is something that many kids do in America for Valentines day?

- Give valentine day cards / letters to their friends / family

- Give a love letter to someone the like

- Share candy / chocolate / flowers with loved ones 


Give me an example of something that happened in the past, but that we would not use the past progressive for:

Something was happened and then was done. 

"I watched as the tree was struck with lightning."


"I watched as the tree was being stricken with lightning"


Who, in your opinion, was the third wheel when Eugene, Carlos, and Maya went to the baseball game? Explain:

It depends. Carlos and Eugene had planned the trip beforehand, so you might say that Maya was the third wheel / extra person who "tagged along." However, Carlos and Maya are dating, so it could be a bit awkward for Eugene as well.

Overall though, Maya was not really into the whole thing. She complained constantly, didn't want to participate, and was pretty much a big downer. She wins the third wheel award IMHO.


Why might some people call this holiday "Singles' Awareness Day"?

Because it focuses so much on those in relationships, those who are not currently in a relationship may feel left out.