Everyday English
English Storylines
Famous Places

Name an appropriate topic for a small talk discussion

weather• current events• celebrities• sports• food• family• pets• school• hobbies• holidays• hometown• work


Give me an example of an antonym for the word "dull"

exciting, thrilling, engaging, shocking, etc.


Why was Carlos worried, in the story this unit?

He felt like he wasn't prepared for the test.


What is the name of the strange shaped area off the coast of Florida?

The Bermuda Triangle


When is April Fools?

April 1st 


Name a situation where you probably should not engage in small talk

If someone is angry, working on something else, or wants to be left alone.


Give me an example of both an antonym and a synonym for the word "crazy"

Synonyms: crazy, kooky, nuts, loco, wacko, etc.
Antonyms: stable, calm, collected, balanced, etc. 


Share an expression you learned in Eugene and Carlos' story this week, and what it means:

Just my luck - a sarcastic response
breeze - something simple / easy
Easy for you to say. - You aren't in my situation
jump to conclusions - Make rash conclusions
I couldn’t have said it better myself. - I agree
one’s mind goes blank - Get lost
nervous wreck - Anxious
Pipe down. - be quiet
Here goes nothing. - Understatement, humor
toast - in deep trouble.


Where do the tips of the Bermuda triangle start?

They start in Florida, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda


What traditions are common during April Fools? 

To prank / hoax others with silly things, like news stories, etc.


Give an example of how you might start some small talk with someone.

"Hello! I just love your dog; what's his name?"

"That is a nice hat; where did you get it?"

"This weather is pretty crazy, isn't it?"


Give 3 examples of either antonyms / synonyms for this word: "happy"

Synonyms: blessed, joyful, elated, pleased, etc.
Antonyms: bitter, distressed, angry, broody, etc.


Use one of the following phrases in a sentence:

"Pipe down" OR "Toast"



Why is the Bermuda Triangle Famous?

Because many ships / sailors / pilots have gotten lost or disappeared there.


What sort of pranks are not nice?

Being mean, or distasteful...don't do that.