Code of Ethics
Sentence Correction

What does an adverb do? 

An adverb describes adjectives, verbs, or other adverbs or a word group.


A person who studies animals.


We like very much the new secretary.

We like the new secretary very much. 

I like sports a lot.


What does the slang "feeling blue" mean?

Feeling blue = feeling sad, unhappy, depressed


What is the difference between "must" and "have to?"

"Must" : the speaker decides that something is necessary, or needs to be done 

"Have to": When somebody else other than the speaker has made the decision. 


We talked during three hours this morning.

We talked for three hours this morning.

We use for to communicate a duration a time. We use during to communicate over what period of time something happened. 


I slept for three hours, and I woke up just in time for dinner.


What is the difference between stepbrother and a half brother?

Stepbrother = the person that your dad or mom re-married's son

Half brother = your dad or mom has a son with the person they re-married.


The lab is separate _________ the main building.

A. for

B. to

C. from

D. with

C. from

Los Angeles is a five-hour drive FROM San Francisco. (Separation through space)

Please isolate the patient FROM the other patients in the ward. (Separation through space)

This operation will take place from 9 a.m to 3 p.m. (Separation through time)


What is the purpose of replication in scienific research?

Replication of an experiement ensures that mistakes or false data are known.


I tried to explain him the problem, but he had difficulty understanding me.

I tried to explain the problem to him, but he had difficulty understanding me. 

recommend/explain/describe + what + to whom


Name two words that have the same spelling but different pronunications.

tear = a drop of water from your eye

tear = to rip something


Which sentence is an example of first conditional?

A. If I win the lottery, I will buy a car. 

B. If you heat ice, it melts.

A. If I win the lottery, I will buy a car. 


What is the difference between "mistakes" and "misconduct" when talking about problems in research?

Mistakes = math errors, testing is not consistent enough, etc.

Misconduct = error that was made on purpose like for personal gain


Kevin says he stopped to travel internationally because of his family.

Kevin says he stopped traveling internationally because of his family. 

Words that end in -ing but act as a noun are called gerunds.

Kevin stopped working at 6 p.m. last night.


What does the word "heirloom" mean?

Heirloom = a valuable objet that belonged to a family for several generations


What is science?

Science is both knowledge and the process for building that knowledge about the natural world.


What is an example of breaking the code of ethics in science?

Yoshitaka Fujii - Japanese researcher that created false data on purpose

There are many examples!


 It was a frustrating situation because we were uncapable of helping.

 It was a frustrating situation because we were incapable of helping.