Reading & Discovery
English Storylines

How can you tell how old a tree is?

by the number of growth rings it has


Is the following a conditional: 

"I will go to the store tomorrow."

No. However, if it were stated like this, it would be:

"If it rains, I will not go to the store tomorrow."


What does the phrase "hit it off" mean?

It means to get along really well with someone else when you meet them.

"After meeting Jerry, we both really hit it off."


Name one claimed benefit of school uniforms

Some include:

More equality among students
Less judgement based on social status


When is Christmas?

The 25th of December


What do the dark rings in a tree mean?

Those show the limited growth that happens during the winter, when a tree is mostly dormant.


If it is 

then Joe will:

...Take the bus to school (rather than walking)

...go and build a snowman (can't do it without snow)

...go sledding (need snow) etc.


What does the phrase "No worries" mean?

It means "don't worry about it" or "No problem"


What is a negative thing that some bring up about school uniforms?

They can be expensive

They also limit creativity / individuality


Name a Christmas Tradition:

Setting up Christmas Lights

Setting up a Christmas tree (usually a pine / fir tree)
Giving gifts to others
Singing carols, etc.


How do scientists usually tell how old a living tree is?

They take a pencil-sized core sample, which won't hurt the tree too much.


Finish this conditional: 

"Alex will jump in the pond if...

"...Billy pays him $20"

"...if he is on fire."
"...if it is a hot summer day."


Give an example of one of the phrases we've learned in a sentence:

"I wish Jerry were here...oh, speak of the devil, Jerry just got here!"

"Check it out, there's that bike your brother has had his eye on. Should we buy it for Christmas for him?"

"Oh, you don't need to apologize for that. No worries!"


Share your own opinion about school uniforms:

Examples: "I understand the pros, but I would rather not use them."

Who is Santa Claus? Share some "facts" about him:

- He is a man that lives at the North Pole
- He has a team of elves that help him make toys for all the kids in the world
- He is fat, wears red and white, and delivers all these toys magically on Christmas Eve (Dec. 24)
- He rides around in a sleigh with flying reindeer