Famous People
English Storylines

Who was born in Springfield, Mass. in 1904?

Theodor Suess Geisel / Dr. Suess


Finish this sentence with the present perfect:

"She ________ (to hike) up Mount Everest."

Answer: "She has hiked up Mount Everest."

Describe what happened when Carlos and Eugene run into each other at a coffee shop

They end up chatting, Carlos apologizes, and they make plans to hang out soon.


What type of work did African slaves do in colonial America?

All sorts of work, from in the fields, to skilled labor.


This person fought for fair treatment of Blacks / African Americans in the 1950s and 60s

Martin Luther King Jr. 
What is the difference between the present perfect and the simple past tense?

The simple past shows something that has happened and when, while the "when" is unknown with the present perfect

Ex: "He traveled around the world last year" When: last year - simple past

"He has traveled around the world." When: unknown, but sometime in the past.


What does "swing by" mean?


What does "on second thought" mean? 

Use one of these in a sentence:

"swing by" - to visit a place for a short time

EX: "I think that I could swing by Walmart and pick up those groceries for you."

"on second thought" - actually (used when you reconsider something, and to change what you said / thought before)

EX: "On second thought, I am busy Wednesday. But I am wide open Friday night. How about a movie?"


What was the Underground Railroad?

It was a network of paths and safe houses to lead escaped slaves out of the Southern U.S. to Canada to escape slavery.


What is the name of this character?

The Cat in the Hat, by Dr. Suess


Can present perfect tense mean both in the past and the present? Give an example:

Yes: "I have studied Spanish since the 3rd grade" (implies that I am still studying Spanish even now, 20+ years later)

It is less clear without a "since" or "for"; example:

"I have studied Spanish." This could be a long time ago, or recent, and it doesn't have to be happening right now either.


Find one of the phrases we have learned, and define what it means:

"I've been dying to see the New York Yankees play. I've tried to swing by the ticket office, but each time I go, no dice. But, yesterday I finally scored some tickets!"

"been dying" - been eager to
"swing by" - to make a short visit to
"no dice" - nope / bad luck
"score(d)" - to achieve some unlikely thing


What are some things we have in American culture thanks to African Americans?

Jazz, Creole, "soul food", Blues, etc.