A type of full body movement to the sound of music?
A type of tv show with lots of drama between the characters, usually episodic.
A person who writes?
These films usually take place in the future, and could involve robots, space-flight , aliens.
A small written piece of work that usually rhymes.
Why do we call people actors?
Because they act.
A type of daytime TV show with a host and guest where they talk about personal life matters.
A talk show.
People who act in films or on TV.
This is a type of film that is meant to scare or frighten you.
Horror Film
These small bits of writing (usually 50 words) predict your future based on when you were born.
The verb to describe musical notes made by a persons voice.
To Sing
A type of Tv programme where people can win prizes.
A game show.
A person who moves their body to the sound of music.
A dancer
A type of film that has lots of explosions, usually thrilling and seat-grabbing.
An action film
Something you can read to find out another person's opinion of a film.
A (film) review
another way to say that you are angry about something
to be mad about something.
A type of TV show that is usually watched by adults to learn about current affairs.
The News.
A person who sits on their couch and watches a lot of tv or film.
A couch potato
A type of film that is about love between two characters.
A romantic film.
Something that you can buy at a news agents, these things usually have glossy pages and lots of pictures.
a magazine
A verb we use to mean look up, or find information about, something. Usually with I'll ______ the weather forecast.
What are TV Show seasons, or series, made of? They are usually 30 minutes or 60 minutes.
An episode
A person who tells people how to make a film.
A director.
Films that are about dragons, magic, elves, wizards, vampires.
Fantasy Films
Words written that tell a story. These types of written works are usually very long.
A novel.