Types of Mammals
Types of Reptiles/Amphibians
Simple Machines
Inventors & words
History of Money

Animals that hunt, kill and eat other animals

Predators - A predator hunts its prey


Cold-blooded vertebrates that have skin covered with scales

Reptiles - Many reptiles live in the rainforest


A simple machine that makes work easier by multiplying the force put into it

Lever - A lever multiplies the force put into it 


To plan, build, or manage a building or construction project

Engineer - We need an engineer for this project 


A record of money received or paid out

Account - I have some money left in my account 


Animals that are hunted, killed and eaten by other animals

Prey - Prey are hunted by their predators


Having blood that stays at about the same temperature as the water or air around the living thing

Cold-blooded - Cold-blooded animals adapt to their environment


A round ring with spokes that turns a post attached to it, causing movement

Wheel and Axel - is used in many forms of transportation (cars, busses, trains, bikes) 


An original device

Invention - Their invention improved our lives 


The basic unit of money for a nation

Currency - We need to exchange currency at the airport 


Animals that eat only meat

Carnivores - A carnivore only eats meat


Cold-blooded vertebrates that have moist skin

Amphibian - Amphibians have moist skin


A threaded spiral pin or rod used as a simple machine to attach and/or build objects

Screw - This chair is missing a screw 


A person who helps create or develop new ideas, methods, etc.

Pioneer - John Glenn was a pioneer in space travel 


The amount of money in a bank account OR The amount of money that still needs to be paid

Balance - We need to pay off the balance on our credit cards 


Animals that eat only plants

Herbivores - Herbivores only eat plants


A big and noticeable change in how something looks, what it does, what it is made of, or how it is made. (Caterpillar to Butterfly)

Metamorphosis - Metamorphosis is when a caterpillar turns into a butterfly 


The pointed edge of an inclined plane that can be used to push things apart

Wedge - A wedge is the pointy part of the blade 


Inventor of the incandescent light bulb

Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, among many other things 


To trade goods and services for other goods and services

Barter - The barter system is still very useful in some countries 


Animals that eat both plants and meat

Omnivores - Omnivores eat both plants and meat


Animals that have spines

Vertebrates - Animals that have spines are called vertebrates


A simple machine with a wheel over which a rope, belt, chain, or cable runs to make it easier to lift heavy objects

Pulley - The window shades use pulleys 


Inventor of the radio transmitter

Nikola Tesla - Invented the radio transmitter, among many other things 


The money paid to a lender (bank), or money received from a borrower (account holder/You)

Interest - The interest on this bank loan is too high!