Com. & Proper Nouns
Sub/Ob Pronouns

What is a noun? (50 points)

What is a Common Noun? (25 points)

What is a Proper Noun? (25 points)

A noun is a person, place, or thing.

A common noun is a generic person, place, or thing.

A proper noun is a specific person, place, or thing.


Why does a pronoun replace? 

A pronoun replaces a noun.


What is an adjective?

An adjective describes a noun.


What is a verb?

A verb is an action word.


What is an adverb?

An adverb describes a verb.

Which noun is capitalized? A proper noun or a common noun? 

Proper nouns are capitalized. 


Fill in the proper pronoun:

_____ (I, me) went to school.

I went to school.


Which word is an adjective?

cat        funny        run

"Funny" is an adjective.


Which word is a verb?

run       dog         quickly

"Run" is a verb.


Which word is an adverb?

ugly            sleep              quietly

"Quietly" is an adverb.


Which word in the sentence below is a COMMON noun? (150 points)

Why is this word the COMMON noun? (150 points)

Twix chocolate is delicious.

"Twix chocolate is delicious."

"Chocolate" is the common noun because it is a thing that is a generic word and it is not capitalized. 


_____ (She, Her) told me to go to class.

She told me to go to class.


Which words are adjectives? (150 points per word)

Tyrannosaurus Rex       beautiful          wonderful slowly       carefully       dinosaur

"Beautiful" and "wonderful" are adjectives.


Which words are verbs? (150 points per word)

Loch Ness Monster        French Onion Soup    

talk                     stretch

"Talk" and "stretch" are verbs.


Which words are adverbs? (150 points per word)

painfully            type              write        joyfully

"Painfully" and "joyfully" are adverbs.


Which word in the sentence below is a PROPER noun? (100 points)

Why is this word the PROPER noun? (100 points)

Which word is the COMMON noun? (100 points)

Why is this word a COMMON noun? (100 points)

My favorite gum is Trident.

"My favorite gum is Trident."

"Trident" is the proper noun because it is a specific, company name and it is capitalized. The common noun is "gum" because it is a thing and a generic term.


______ (She, Her) told _____ (her, she) to go to bed.

200 points each. 

She told her to go to bed.


Which words are adjectives? (200 points per word)

The tall, handsome man walked into the room.

The tall, handsome man walked into the room.


Which words are verbs? (200 points per word)

Bruce yelled at Jack. Jack ignored Bruce.

Bruce yelled at Jack. Jack ignored Bruce.


Which words are adverbs? (200 points per word)

The turtle slowly walked while the rabbit quickly hopped.

The turtle slowly walked while the rabbit quickly hopped.


Look at the sentence below. Which words are PROPER nouns and why? Which words are COMMON nouns and why?

50 points per noun. 150 points per correct answer why.

Jack was the best salesman. His company, Metlife, was huge.  

"Jack was the best salesman. His company, Metlife, was huge."

The proper nouns are Jack and Metlife because they are specific names for a person and thing and they are capitalized.

The common nouns are salesman and company because they are generic names for a person and a thing and they are not capitalized.


_____ (I, me) told _____ (he, him) to tell _____ (I, me) about ______ (she, her). 

125 points each.

I told him to tell me about her


Which words are adjectives? (125 points per word)

The large, stupid cat slept on the floor. Its fluffy, white tail got fur on the carpet.

The large, stupid cat slept on the floor. Its fluffy, white tail got fur on the carpet.


Which words are verbs? (125 points per word)

I ran to school. I entered the school and opened my locker. I walked to class.

I ran to school. I entered the school and opened my locker. I walked to class.


Which words are adverbs? (125 points per word)

The cat angrily and violently hissed at the man. The man quickly and fearfully ran away.

The cat angrily and violently hissed at the man. The man quickly and fearfully ran away.