Which word means to move your body energetically to stay healthy?
Which word means very very small?
What is the part of speech for this word? eat
What parts of speech are content/stressed words?
nouns/verbs/adverbs/adjectives/question words and negatives
What is the missing word in this template sentence?
I ______ like to introduce you to my friend Ali
Which word means complicated?
What is one adverb of frequency?
100% always, constantly usually, normally frequently, regularly often50%sometimes occasionally rarely, infrequently seldom hardly ever0%never
What linking rule applies to this sentence? I can't eat.
consonant to vowel linking
What is the missing word in this template sentence?
What type of exercise would you________________?
What is the word for cows and bulls kept on a farm for their meat or milk?
Which word means a group of similar organisms (animals or plants) that produce generations of offspring?
What is the grammar word for these words? could/can/should/may etc.
What linking rule applies to this sentence? He says so.
twinning - only pronounce one of the repeated consonants
Which word is missing?
Research ______ that eating more fruits and vegetables may prevent obesity.
Which word means the smallest part of an animal or plant?
Which word means an emotional tie with another person?
Why do we say ed differently in these words? walked/played/ started
unvoiced final sounds are followed by a /t/
voiced final sounds are followed by a /d/
words that end in d or t are followed by /Id/
What linking rule applies to this sentence? I want to apply.
after oooo sounds and before another vowel put a small w.
What word is missing in this sentence?
There have been a ______ of studies that have come out in the last five years or so showing that..
Which word means the surface features of a region?
Which word means 'makes people want to argue, dispute, or disagree'?
What is the grammar name for the second sentence? I kick the ball. The ball is kicked by me.
The passive case
What linking rule applies to this sentence? I see everyone
after an eee sound and before a vowel we put a little y
What is the missing word in this template sentence?
There are clearly many differences in the way, the most notable of _____ is ...