CACFP Monitoring
Meal Counts
Family Style Meals
Food Services

What does CACFP stand for?

Child and Adult Care Food Program 


What has replaced ClildPlus Attendance App?

Child Plus Web


How much of each component does each HS classroom receive?

3 plates/bowls 


Who should you contact if a kitchen appliance goes out?

Facilities Manager


What 2 products are not allowed in the classrooms?

Nuts and Pork 


How many times will each site be monitored?

3 times


Who chooses the meal times for classrooms?

Teachers/Classroom staff 


What are 2 common findings in Family Style Meals?

Different meal styles at different tables, children are not given opportunity to feed themselves, staff are eating/drinking food other than what is provided. 


When must working menus be edited?



How many servings does each recipe have?



What 3 flyers must be displayed where they easily be seen by parents and/or guardians?

Justice for All, Building for the Future, WIC


If an iPad loses WIFI, what can a classroom do? 

Use a phone for meal counts or for a hotspot. 


Give 3 examples of good family style. 

Children are serving themselves, adults supervise and encourage children to try new foods. Talking about taste, color, shape, smell of food. Positive food attitudes, asking questions. 


What size must less than 11 months food be cut to?

What size must 12-36 months foods be cut to? 

1/4 inch

1/2 inch


When must meal counts be taken?

During Point of Service 

Explain the process of receiving a Civil Rights complaint. 

Staff alerts ESM, ensures that complaint is logged in binder, let staff know within 2 days that a complaint has been received. If returned from family, 3 business days to submit to ODE


What are 2 solutions to missed meal times to do meal counts in a classroom?

Use Meal Count Site Plan, adjust schedule and let Vy know of time change, collaborate with Ed. Team


Scenario! Give 4 questions or phrases you could give a group of children to talk about carrots at Family Style Meals. 

What color are the carrots? Do you know anything else that color? What shape are the carrots? Do the carrots smell like anything? Did you know carrots also come in other colors like purple and white? What do you think the carrot will taste like? I heard that carrots can help you see better! Did you know carrots grow in the ground? What else grows in the ground? What kind of animals do you think eat carrots? 


Who must approve food substitutions before they can be served?

Nutrition Services 


Name 4 things that are kept in the Kitchen Resource Books. 

Recipes, Cooking Methods, Order Forms (can list them out), procedures, Temperature Logs, Fridge Logs


What are 2 of the most common findings when doing CACFP monitoring?

Missing CEF, Missing Annual CACFP Staff Training, Missing updated 3065 Report in Kitchen and/or classrooms


Describe Point of Service. 

Meal counts are taken at meal time. When a child is seated with all meal components present, they can be counted. 


Scenario! You find a teacher is drinking coffee inside of the classroom. What should you do? 

Discuss with the teacher that they should be eating/drinking their own foods away from the table on their own time. Teachers are expected to model eating and drinking the same foods as children. Personal foods and drinks should not be entering the classroom. 


Give 2 order forms that Nutrition Aides are responsible for

Emergency Food Box, Condiment, Food Substitution 


Special Picture! Who can be counted?

Who can be counted?