Schumann's Acculturation Model
Supporting Students' first language
Models/programs of Bilingual Education
Language Acquisition
Contrasts Acquisition and learning
What is The Acquisition/Learning Hypothesis
the power relationships between two groups
What is social dominance
A technique used in three phases(before, during and after instruction) and provides a structured way to alternate English and Native-Language instruction
What is Preview, view and review
A strategy where students are prepared to transition into all-English classrooms within three years of beginning school as non-English speakers
What is Early Exit Strategy
When children begin to develop language they start by______
What is babbling
Theory the language is acquired in a natural order.
What is The Natural Order Hypothesis
Social distance is greatest when there is a pattern of limited integration between two cultures, and it decreases when there is greater integration
What is Integration pattern
_______ Interdependence Hypothesis is when students are taught in and develop proficiency in their first language, the proficiency will transfer to their second language.
What is Cummins
A one-way model where all students in a class are ELL's and thier native language is maintained.
What is Late Exit or Maintenance Bilingual Programs
________ is the means by which humans communicate with one another
What is language
Helps explain the different functions that acquisition and learning play
What is The Monitor Hypothesis
Those with high__________ to learn the langauge are more likely to learn the language that those with low motivation.
What is Motivation
The following are characteristics of________ effective programs for English Language Learners 1. Long Term 2. Instruction through first language 3. Instruction through second language 4.sociocultural support 5. Interactive, cognitively challenging discovery learning 6. Integration for mainstream
What is effective programs
a type of enriched education. It aims at full proficiency in two languages, an understanding and appreciation of two cultures, and high levels of academic achievement.
What is Dual Language bilingual programs
According to Rice (2002) The question of how learning is related to what?
What is developmental psychology
Theory that people acquire language in only one way-when they recieve oral or written messages that they understand.
What is The Input Hypothesis
When a newcomer experiences this, he experiences more difficulty in learning the new language
What is Culture Shock
English Language Learners are give 3 years ESL content support services and then integrated into all English instruction
what is ESL pullout or push-in content instruction
The stage children start to put together two word utterances
What is 18 months?
The hypothesis explains the role of affective factors in the process of language acquisition.
What is The Affective Filter Hypothesis
________ can be best understood by looking at what happens when people from one cultural group are transplanted into a new setting.
What is Language Acquisiton
The CUP model is created by
What is Cummins
Native English speakers are taught language through content instruction in a second language. English is introduced in second grade or later.
What is Enriched Immersion
Who discovered that infants exposed to sign language go throught the same stages as babies exposed to oral languages?
Who is Petitto (2002)