Schumann's Influential Factors
Krashen's Models
Many ESOL students drop out of school before completing because they feel overwhelmed and feel as if they cannot catch up to the rest of their peers.
What is ESL Pullout traditional instruction?
Combining as a whole so that the ELL students and the English native speaker students work together
What is Cohesiveness?
The hypothesis that explains the different functions that acquisition and learning play in a child's education.
What is the Monitor hypothesis?
Is Structured English Immersion subtractive or additive?
A small learner group experienced less social distance. Larger groups create a larger gap leaving ELL students to be less likely to participate in group activities.
What is Size?
The hypothesis that explain the process of acquiring something subconsciously by exposure to models, a process of trial and error, and practice within social groups, without formal teaching.
What is the acquisition/learning hypothesis?
ELLs outperform students in English only programs
What is late exit or Maintenance?
Refers to the power relationships between two groups, and is greatest when one group dominates the other.
What is Social Dominance?
The process that allows second language learners to move through the predictable sequence of the acquisition of grammatical structures predicted by the natural order hypothesis.
What is input hypothesis?
The language result is additive-Native English speakers and English learners become bilingual
What is Bilingual Dual Language Education?
When ELL students have a negative outlook on learning and refuse to participate, but if they have a positive outlook they will be more willing to participate. Their learning is based off of their _____.
What is Attitude?
The hypothesis that children learn their first language develop grammatical structures in a pre-determined manner and that some are developed earlier than others.
What is natural order hypothesis?