Krashen's learning Models
Schumann's factors that influence social distance
ELL programs
A process of acquiring something subconsciously by exposure to models, a process of trial and error, and practice within social groups, without formal teaching
What is the acquisition/learning hypothesis?
When the learner groups is big, there is more apt to be social distance from the target culture. A small learner group experienced less social distance.
What is Size?
The result is theses students showing little academic progress and once mainstream rarely catch up. Many student drop out before completing
What is ESL Pullout traditional instruction?
The idea that children learning their first language acquire grammatical structures in a pre-determined manner, and that some are acquired earlier than others.
What is the natural order hypothesis?
Social distance is increased when the learner group has a negative _____ toward members of the target-language culture, and it is decreased when the _____ is positive.
What is Attitude?
The language result is additive-Native English speakers and English learners become bilingual and biliterate.
What is Bilingual Dual Language Education?
This helps explain the different functions that acquisition and learning play in a child's education.
What is the Monitor hypothesis?
Social distance is increased when the learner group is tight-knit, and social distance is reduced when the larger group is less united.
What is Cohesiveness?
The language result is subtractive----Students develop literacy and learn to communicate in English. Students lose most or all of there ability to use there native language.
What is Structured English Immersion?
This hypotheses put primary importance on the comprehensible input (CI) that language learners are exposed to. Understanding spoken and written language input is seen as the only mechanism that results in the increase of underlying linguistic competence, and language output is not seen as having any effect on learners' ability.
What is the input hypothesis?
_____ Refers to the power relationships between two groups. ______ is greatest when one group dominates the other. Social distance diminishes if the two groups have roughly equal power in society.
What is Social Dominance?
the result is ELLs outperform students in English only programs, Students achieve above the 50th percentile on standardize tests.
What is Late exit or Maintenance?
According to Krashen one obstacle that manifests itself during language acquisition is the______; that is a 'screen' that is influenced by emotional variables that can prevent learning.
What is Affective Filter Hypothesis?
Social distance is greatest when members of the group only intend to stay in the country a short time. Social distance decreases when they intend to stay in the country fro a long time
What is intended length of residence?
The end result, at the end of high school these students score below the 50th percentile in tests of reading in English.
What is Early Exit or traditional bilingual education?