ESL Basic Knowledge
ESL Theory
ESL Instruction

The 40 page letter or document published in January, 2015 which outlines state and local school division responsibilities to English Learners is called________________

What is the Dear Colleague Letter.  


Lowering the ________  __________ in a classroom or instructional setting makes it safe and comfortable for learners to take risks and grow.

What is Affective Filter.  


By law, school divisions must avoid unnecessary ___________ of English Learners. 

What is segregation


All families must fill out one of these documents when registering their student for school.  It lets us know if the child has a language other than English spoken at home.  It is called_______________.

What is the Home Language Survey.


Jim Cummins developed the theory of language learning (and culture) which describes we only see a piece of the picture on the surface for each student. 

What is the Iceberg Theory


One service model for English Learners where there is a lot of collaboration between teachers is called ____________________.

What is Co-teaching. 


A student who has recently arrived in U.S. schools and is new to English is often referred to as a __________.

What is a Newcomer or a Newly Arrived EL


Social or playground language that is learned first may be referred to by the acronym _____________. 

What is BICS, (Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills).


Supports that enable ELs to demonstrate their knowledge without complete reliance on language are known as___________. 

What are scaffolds.


Making content and learning understandable in the ESL field is known as __________ ____________. 

What is Comprehensible Input.


The acronym CALP stands for______________.

What is Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency


Levels 1-6 for English Learners are called _______ __________.

What are proficiency levels