ESP Startup Basics
ESP Startup Success
ESP Startup Myths
Importance of ESP Startup
ESP Small Business Startup

How does someone begin the process of a startup?

Create an idea, and then execute


What is the definition of startup success?

Business making a positive impact on the world .A company that includes employees ideas and is willing to grow while taking risks will be successful


Most successful entrepreneurs take uncalculated risks

Wrong, most successful startups pre-test their ideas before actually attempting them


Why is starting a business beneficial to society?

Creating jobs and raising the economy.


 What is the SBA?

Small Business Administration which is fully dedicated to small business and provides counseling, capital, and contracting expertise


Can an entrepreneur make a startup by themselves?

 It is possible but unlikely to be successful.


What makes a company successful?

A company that includes employees ideas and is willing to grow while taking risks will be successful


Most successful entrepreneurs have previous experience with starting companies.

False, while many entrepreneurs have experience in the industry they actually don’t have any experience with starting or running a business. 


How much money do you need to start a business?

As little as 0 dollars.


What country has the largest number of start-ups?

The United States. The United States has a few main factors that help this: access to funding, innovation hubs, and talent pools.


What mindset does the entrepreneur need to create a startup?

An entrepreneur should have a mindset that is determined and ready to take risks and ready to possibly fail.


How can a startup become successful internationally?

Developing a comprehensive global strategy that takes into account the specific needs and preferences of each target market.


Successful entrepreneurs have a “break-through” idea that changes the industry.

While this can be true, most entrepreneurs take an already existing product or business idea and improve it. 


How much do large businesses make a year on average?

69 Billion


What is self-funding?

Paying the way for your new start-up and not relying on anyone else or other investors.


What values should someone have before starting a company?

Organization, Vision, Communication, Have a mission


Who makes the startup successful?

A strong team, a solid business plan, a well-defined target market, a unique value proposition, and sufficient funding


Great entrepreneurs are just lucky.

Successful entrepreneurs create their own luck, by working smart and hard, and constantly learning from their mistakes and improving their ideas.


 How much do small businesses make a year on average?

Around 40,000 a year.


What is the SBIR program?

Small business innovation Research program and it funds to research and develop small businesses


Who are the best investors?

People who have the ability to pick winning stock and have knowledge about the stock market


How long does it typically take for a startup to become successful?

On average, startups typically take between two to five years to become profitable.


Entrepreneurs are born ready and don’t need training.

False, creating and growing a business requires many skills, such as problem-solving, operations, and finance. None of which are skills you’re just born with. 


What is the main reason people don’t start their own businesses?

Mainly the fear of failure.


What is a small business?

a small business has 100 to 1,500 employees