¿Cómo se dice jacket en español?
(La) chaqueta
Name 5 parts of the body in Spanish
La mano, la cara, la cabeza, el pelo, los ojos, el pie, la pierna, la espalda, el hombro, el brazo, el cuello, el dedo...
The longest and narrowest country in the world.
Who painted Guernica?
Pablo Picasso
Courtney allegedly does this in all Blooket games.
She cheats!
Name (en español) two items of clothing or accessories you'd typically wear to the beach.
El bañador, el bikini, las chanclas, las gafas de sol...
¿Cómo se dice foot en español?
The country where the movie Encanto is set.
What's the average amount you're supposed to tip at restaurants in Spain?
Sophie used to write a lot of random stuff on the board in what language?
¿Cómo se dice white shoes en español?
(Unos) zapatos blancos
¿Cómo se dice bones en español?
Los huesos
What is the only country in Africa where Spanish is an official language?
Guinea Ecuatorial (Equatorial Guinea)
What food gets thrown during a massive food fight at a summer festival in eastern Spain?
Tomates (during the Tomatina festival)
Owen gets complemented for this every day
His new shoes
¿Cómo se dice a red skirt en español?
Una falda roja
¿Cómo se dice my head hurts en español?
Me duele la cabeza
This Latin American country abolished its army after a civil war in 1948, and to this day has no standing army.
Costa Rica
Number of times that Spain has won the Men's Football World Cup.
Madden's favorite item of clothing.
A dress 👗
Pregunta en español: How much does this shirt cost?
¿Cuánto cuesta esta camisa?
¿Cómo se dice my elbows hurt en español?
Me duelen los codos
What was the largest empire in Pre-Columbian America?
The Inca Empire
Mouse called El Ratoncito Pérez
According to Paisley, Miss Marín can't actually...