What skeletal muscle type is the most oxidative?
Type I
What chamber of the heart pumps to systemic circulation?
Left ventricle
What hormone is abused as anabolic steroids?
What type of exercise involves no change in length of the muscle while contracting?
Isometric exercise
What percentage of blood flow is directed toward skeletal muscle at rest?
VO2 = _______ x _________
Cardiac Output x a-vO2 Difference
What hormone released from the pancreas increases blood sugar?
Which principle of training states adaptations need greater and greater stress to adapt?
What is the oxygen carrying protein in skeletal muscle?
What is a typical cardiac output at rest? (L/min)
5 L/min
List 2 endocrine glands AND the hormone produced by both.
A respiratory exchange ratio (RER) of 0.70 represents metabolism of what macronutrient?
Draw a graph of the length/tension principle AND explain it.
I'll draw...
Explain how pre-load and afterload influence stroke volume.
Pre-load: stretch of cardiac myocytes. Increases stroke volume as EDV increases.
Afterload: pressure the heart has to pump against. Decreases stroke volume as afterload increases
Describe how a fat-soluble hormone increases protein synthesis.
Diffuses through cell membrane and attaches to receptor in the cytosol or nucleus. The complex then replicates DNA to make mRNA and then protein.
A 220 lb athlete has a VO2 maX of 50 ml/kg/min, what is his absolute VO2 max AND how many calories would he burn exercising at 70% of his VO2 max for 10 minutes? (Assume 5 kcal per liter of O2)
Absolute: 5 L/min
175 kcal