Team 1: The Need for Prophethood
Team 2: Prophet's SAW Character
Team 3: Prophet's SAW Message
Team 4: Prophet's SAW Prophecies
Team 5: Prophet's SAW Physical Miracles

The need for messengers and teachings originates from humans innate need for:

Explanation of the objective Truth and guidance


2 main qualities of the Prophet saw's chaaracter include

his honesty and integrity


What quality of Islam is the most important foundation?

Tawhid or Monotheism


High rise buildings and abundant, excessive wealth are both signs of?

The day of judgment


Why is Abu Bakr Called Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (The truthful)

He was the only one who believed RasulUllah(saw) after Al-Israa2 wal-mi3raaj(the miraculous night journey) when no one else believed him. 


The 3 essential things humans need from Allah include ________

Guidance to him, his pleasure in this life and the next, eternal salvation


The prophet's dress, food, and house were best characterized what quality?



What aspect of Islam provides a true framework to access God?

 Salah because it allows a believer to establish a relationship with the Creator

  1. Why do we need miracles?

  • Inspire people towards faith

  • strengthen faith by inspiring love, respect, and admiration for the prophets of god 

  • they demonstrate that the natural order is contingent upon God’s will just as our lives are also dependent on His will


The prophet saw was referring to ____ when he said “whoever does not consume it will still be reached by its dust.”



What was the prophets saw prediction on the khulafa (Caliphs)?

They would eventually turn into monarchies


2 ways a false prophet eventually becomes exposed

Their message and following die out

Their real intentions are uncovered

Discrepancies with their teaching and practice

Their prophecies are proven false


What is the meaning of subjective morality?

Some people can be genuinely seeking “being good” but may be oblivious to the evil and hardship of their ideas on humanity


Name 2 ways a false prophet eventually becomes exposed.

Message and following die out, real intentions uncovered, discrepancies btw teaching and practice, prophecies proven false


Name 3 of the 5 benefits of Salah.

Connecting with God in this life, physiological benefits, psychological benefits, emotional benefits, and social benefits


Describe the wisdom behind prohibition of alcohol and extramarital relations.

Alcohol: Sickness, drunken accidents and deaths, breaking family relations

Extramarital relations: Break of family units and values, unstable households. 


Name 4 of the Sahaba whos deaths that were flawlessly predicted by Prophet Muhammad saw.

Fatimah, Zainab, Omar, Othman, Ammar, and Umm Haram


Describe the wisdom behind prohibition of alcohol and extramarital relations.

Break of family units and values

Unstable households. 

Sickness, drunken accidents and deaths.

It is harmful to the individual


What argument does the clock example make about the creation of the universe?

Similar to a clock, the universe is extremely intricate and carefully designed, so it was created with a purpose and design rather than just simply existing.


Slander, persecution, starvation, assassination attempts, and torture were all met by what of the Prophet saw?

Forgiveness & mercy


Surah At-Tur, ayahs 35-36 discuss the idea of the universe’s existence. What point do the ayahs make?

The ayahs address the argument that the universe was either created by nothing, self created, or created by another creation. The ayahs conclude that the universe was created by an eternal uncreated Creator who is independent and self-sufficient.


His readiness to undergo persecution for his beliefs, the high moral character of those who looked up to him as a leader, and the greatness of his ultimate achievement all argue what about the Prophet saw?

They all support the argument of his fundamental integrity.


What 4 qualities of prophet Muhammad’s message kept it profound?

1. Did not wane the passage of time, 2. inherent veracity, 3. universality for any time/place/people, 4. equilibrium and holistic well being to every walk of life.


What are the six signs before the final Hour (judgment day)?

1. Prophet saws death, 2. conquest of Jerusalem, 3. 2 mortal plagues, 4. excessive wealth, 5. tribulation that won’t leave an Arab home without entering it, a truce between the Muslims and Byzantine’s that they betray, 6. a March against the Muslims of 80 flags with 12 thousands soldiers each


What is one example of how the food or water increased due to the blessings the Prophet had?

  • Sahaba brought whatever water was left and the Prophet (SAW)  made dua and put his blessed hands in it and told the Sababa to come and obtain the blessed water sure enough the Sahaba came and saw water emanating from his fingers 

  • On the day of Hudaybiyah- water came out from palm of his hands 

  • Ibn Salama (RA) narrates that when they were on a very difficult expedition and the animals they used for transportation had been put to slaughter. The prophet told them to bring all the food they had and they put it on a  leather rug to see what they had and saw that all they had for 1000s of men amounted to a small goat. But the prophet told them to eat and they ate satisfaction and were even able to fill their own bags 

  • One of the sahabis cooked food for the Prophet (very small meal), he invited all of the soldiers in the battle of the trench - Prophet Muhammad advised to cook the food but not open the pot, and then the pot lid was lifted to reveal lots of food that fed all of the soldiers + rasulallah