Pg 750
Pg 751
Pg 751-752
Pg 752-753
Pg 460,461
According to SDA Bible commentary page 750 how many major lines of prophecy are there in the book of Daniel?
According to SDA bible commentary pg 751, who does God refer to as 'my servant' in Jer 27:6
Nebuchadenezzar, the king of Babylon
According to SDA Bible commentary Pg 752, who determined to fulfill his divinely appointed mission
According to SDA bible commentary pg 752 the first vision primarily deals with what?
political changes
According to SDA bible commentary pg 461 the book of Esther provides an account of the origin of which Jewish festival? what is the other name of this festival?
Feast of Purim Feast of lots
According to SDA Bible commentary pg 750 The book of Daniel might appropriately be called a handbook on what?
history and prophecy
According to SDA bible commentary pg 751. There are two great personalities. who is God's man of the hour and who is the genius of the Gentile world?
Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar
According to SDA bible commentary pg 752, what did God demonstrate?
His power and authority
According to SDA bible commentary pg 752, all four visions of the book of Daniel are concerned with the struggle between what forces?
good and evil forces
According to SDA bible commentary pg 461 whom does God humble and whome does he exalt? How are the words 'if I perish I perish' described?
proud, those who trust in Him. courageous and thrilling
According to SDA Bible commentary pg 750 what does the historical section of the book of Daniel reveal in most striking manner?
the true philosophy of history
According to SDA bible commentar pg 751 why was God able to use Daniel?
Daniel was a man of principle, a man of sterling character, a man whose chief business in life was to live for God
According to SDA bible commentary pg 752 instead of working in harmony with the divine plan what did Babylon become and what wrought its own ruin?
Babylon became a proud and cruel oppressor and the rejection of the principles of heaven wrought its own ruin
According to SDA bible commentary pg 753 what does Revelation cover to a large measure
same ground, gives particular emphasis to Christian church as God's chosen people
According to SDA bible commentary pg 460 fill in the blanks The Jews were no longer so much a ____ as they were a _____ and a _______ pg 461 The means used are _______ but the _________ itself is _________
nation, people, church human, deliverance, divine
what is the climax in each of the major lines of prophecy?
1. God of heaven sets up a kingdom which shall not be destroyed 2:44 2. son of man receives everlasting dominion 7:13,14 3. opposition to Prince of princes broken without hands 8:25 4. God's people are delivered from their oppressors. 12:1
According to SDA bible commentary pg 751, List the steps in which God worked in Daniel's life
1. God brought him into favor and tender love with the officials of Babylon 2. the demonstration of physical superiority of Daniel and his companions 3. demonstration of intellectual superiority - 10 times better 4. won the confidence and respect of Nebuchadnezzar
According to SDA bible commentary pg 751 and 752 what did Nebuchadnezzar recognize about God of heaven?
He is not only wise but powerful, not one omniscient but omnipotent
According to SDA Bible commentary page 753, the fourth vision is focused on what time period?
latter days, time of the end
According to SDA bible commentary pg 460,461 who was the instrument of deliverance, explain the person's the prior and later condition. what becomes evident by the passing of Haman's brief day of popularity?
Jewess, elevated from quite life with cousin and foster father, Mordecai to be queen of a world empire. transitory nature of earthly power and prosperity.
According to SDA Bible commentary pg 750 The curtain is drawn aside so we can behold what?
above, behind, through all the play and counterplay of human interest and power and passions, the agencies of the All-merciful One, silently, patiently working out the counsels of His won will.
According to SDA Bible commentary pg 751, what illustrates the manner in which God uses men today to accomplish His will on earth.(secure the allegiance of specific people)
God needed a man who would be a fit representative God chose Daniel as His personal ambassador. God brought him into favorable attention of Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar had confidence in Daniel Nebuchadnezzar got confidence in Daniel's God
According to SDA bible commentary pg 751 What events prepared Nebuchadnezzar to meet Daniel's God and what did they demonstrate to the king?
1. the dream of chapter 2 2. the striking deliverance from the fiery furnace 3. the dream of chapter 4 demonstrated the knowledge, power and authority of God
According to SDA Bible commentary pg 753 what was Daniel bidden to do and until when? what was John specifically instructed to do and why?
close up and seal till the time of the end. seal not the sayings of the prophecy for the time is at hand.
According to SDA bible commentary pg 461 what does not appear in the entire book of Esther, and what is manifest throughout? When the scepter was held out what did she not do immediately?
God's name, providence identify the villain