The function of the circulatory system.
What is transports necessary materials throughout the body ?
the function of the respiratory system .
what is the exchange of gases between the atmosphere and the blood.?
the function of the digestive system.
what is to break down the nutrients into simple form so it can be absorbed by cells through the bloodstream.?
the function of the endocrine system
what is to produce and secrete hormones.?
the function of the nervous system.
what is to sense and respond to the stimuli inside and outside the body.?
Major organ of the circulatory system and its definition.
what is the heart is the muscle that pumps blood to the rest of the body?
the major organ of the respiratory system and its defintition.
what is the lung/ large spongy organ containing many capillaries?
the major organ of the digestive system and its definition.
what is the small intestine/ responsible for absorbtion of nutrients from the chyme?
the major organ of the endocrine system and its definition
what is the pituitary gland/master gland, it controls other gland?
definition of a neuron and its purpose.
what is nerve cell/transmits nerve impulses from place to place in the body.
name others organs that are apart of the circulatory system
what is arteries, veins, blood and capillary ?
name 3 other organs that are apart of the respiratory system.
what is pharynx, nose, epiglottis, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, diaphragm ?
name 3 other organs of the digestive system.
what is the mouth, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, large intestine ?
name 3 other organs of the endocrine system
what is thyroid, pineal gland, thymus, adrenal gland, pancreas, ovary, testes.?
name organs of the nervous system.
what is the brain and the spinal cord ?
the circulatory system and endocrine work together to create homeostasis.
what is the endocrine system produces hormones and the circulatory system is responsible for transporting the hormones to the target cell.?
the circulatory system and respiratory system maintain homeostasis.
what is to deliver oxygen throughout the body by transporting oxygen from the lungs, where it is taken in through breathing, to the cells of the body/ bloodstream.?
the circulatory system and the digestive system work together to maintain homeostasis.
what is by transporting nutrients absorbed from digested food in the small intestine directly into the bloodstream, which then carries those nutrients to cells throughout the body.?
the circulatory system and the endocrine system work together to maintain homeostasis.
what is to transport the hormones to its target cell/ receptor molecule.?
system similar to the nervous system and send signals through the body.
what is the endocrine system?
your heart beats faster when you exercise yr body because....
what is to supply your cells with the oxygen and glucose to make ATP through cellular respiration.
name the two major organs in this diagram
what is the lungs and the nose ?
the two types of the digestive system and their definitions
what is the chemical system which breaks down the food into simpler nutrients that can be used by the cells by the use of chemicals/enzymes.?/what is the mechanical system which physically breaks down food into smaller pieces
the main difference between the order of the endocrine system vs other systems
what is the endocrine glands are in a straight line from the brain through the reproductive system and are not connected, while others are only in one area of the body and are connected.?
the main types of the nervous system and its functions.
what is the central nervous system which gets info and decides to respond by giving orders to the body.?/ what is peripheral nervous system which send signals in and out of the central nervous system.