Year Estonia gained independence
What is 1918?
The national epic of Estonia
What is Kalevipoeg?
National mammal of Estonia
What is the wolf?
Biggest city in Estonia
What is Tallinn?
Biggest lake in Estonia
What is lake Peipus?
First President of Estonia
Who is Konstantin Päts?
Author of Truth and Justice (Tõde ja õigus)
Who is Anton Hansen Tammsaare?
National bird of Estonia
What is the barn swallow?
Autumn capital of Estonia
What is Narva?
Biggest hill in Estonia
What is Suur Munamägi?
Biggest newspaper in Estonia
What is Postimees?
Big cultural event held every five years in Estonia
What is Estonian Song Festival?
Three most common trees in Estonia
What are pine, birch and spruce?
Oldest town in Estonia
What is Tartu?
National stone of Estonia
What is grey limestone?
The superior god of the Oeselians (inhabitants of historic Saaremaa)
Who is Tharapita?
First Estonian Olympic gold medalist
Who is Alfred Neuland?
Percentage of Estonia covered by natural old growth forest
What is 1-2%?
Summer capital of Estonia
What is Pärnu?
Three longest rivers in Estonia
Amount of time Estonia was occupied by the Soviet Union
What is 48 years?
A person whose monument is on the Tallin Song Festival Grounds
Who is Gustav Ernesaks?
Location of the ''Fifth season'' in Estonia
What is Soomaa National park?
Number of Towns in Estonia
What is 47?
Estonias ranking by size in a list of European countries 1-51
What is the 29th?