What is the name of the song that will represent Estonia for Eurovision 2025?
Espresso Macchiato
This Estonian-founded company revolutionized internet calling in the 2000s
This Estonian island is the largest in the country
What do Estonians eat on the Estonian Independence Day (the most common snacks)? Answer in Estonian.
Estonia first declared independence in this year
This Estonian writer, famous from “Truth and Justice” (“Tõde ja Õigus”)
Anton Hansen Tammsaare
This Estonian company is known for its global ride-sharing and delivery services
The Estonian country is most closely related to what country’s language
Estonians celebrate this holiday with large bonfires on June 23rd, making the summer solstice
Jaanipäev/Mid summer
This foreign country occupied Estonia from 1940 to 1941 and gain from 1944 to 1991
The Soviet Union
This Estonian president served from 2006 to 2016 and helped advance Estonia’s digital society.
Toomas Hendrik Ilves
This Estonian startup, now part of Wise, originally focused on international money transfers
Estonia was the first country in the World to implement this type of voting in national elections and what year was it first implemented?
Online voting and 2005
This traditional Estonian event, held every fiver years, gathers thousands of singers in Tallinn
Estonian Song Festival/Laulupidu
During the medieval period, Tallinn was a key trading hub as part of this powerful commercial and defensive alliance of merchant guilds and market towns in Northern Europe
Hanseatic League
She is Estonia’s most successful tennis player, reaching the WTA number 2 in 2022.
Anett Kontaveit
Who founded Bolt (two people)?
Markus and Martin Villig
How tall is the tallest mountain in Estonia and what is its name?
Suur Munamägi and 317,4 m
This national sport, involving pulling your opponent across a chalk line, is part of Estonia’s cultural heritage
What was Tallinn’s name before?