Social Skills
Coping Skills
Social Hygeine
Social skills 2

True or False: If I really need something, it's okay to show up at my friend's house without calling first.

False. You should always call before showing up at someone's house, in case they are busy or sleeping.


What can you do if you are feeling frustrated?

Talk to your parents, counselor, teacher. Use one of your coping skills.


I just burped or tooted in the middle of a silent room. I should do this.

Say excuse me!


What might you feel if someone you are trying to talk to is ignoring you?

Sad, confused, or upset


True or False: I just saw someone from Big Brother at a cafe. I should go put my arm around him and give him my phone number.

False. It is good to be friendly but you really shouldn't talk to strangers, especially when you are alone


When I arrive at someone's house, instead of sitting in the car and honk the horn, I should do this.

Ring the doorbell OR knock on the door


You are playing basketball and accidentally get hit by the ball in the stomach, what do you do?

It was an accident, tell them that it is okay, accidents happen.


Before cooking, after using the bathroom, or after touching anything dirty I should do this.

Wash my hands with soap.


How might you feel if your best friend is talking about the really cool things he just bought?

Jealous or happy for him


I like my friend a lot, but I am not comfortable with what he/she is asking me to do. It might even sound dangerous. Should I do it? 

No, let them know you are uncomfortable. If they still won't listen, then you should walk away. Anyone that loves you is going to respect you.


True or False: When someone does not quickly respond to my calls or texts, I should repeatedly call or text them until they respond.

False. They may be busy, and repeatedly calling/texting would be annoying and frustrating to others.


You are in group and you remember something that makes you very angry and you are unable to concentrate. What do you do? 

Take a deep breath, take a break, step into the hallway or seek advice from someone. 


True or False. I just used the bathroom but I'm in a hurry. I dont have time to flush.

FALSE. You should ALWAYS flush!!!


True or False: I can NOT stop thinking about my trip to the mountains. I should tell everybody about it every time I think about it.

False. It is great that you are excited! You can think about it all the time if you want to! But, it might be annoying to your friends if you repeat the same thing over and over.


True or False:  When someone says you did something wrong they are being mean.

False- most of the time when someone tells you that you have done something wrong they are only trying to help you.


If someone is different from me, and does things that appear strange like rocking back and forth or talks to himself, this is how I should react.

Be friendly. Everyone is different, and that is okay.


A friend has said something that hurts your feelings. What can you do?

Tell them how you feel with a nice voice and explain why. Avoid yelling at them.


TRUE or FALSE It's hot in here. I feel like being funny. It would be funny for me to pull my pants down in front of my friends!

False. That is very rude.


How might someone feel if they have done something wrong and they know it was wrong?



Your friend is moving away and you feel really sad. What can you do?

You can make a plan to stay in contact over the phone and plan visits.


True or False: I am hungry but I spent all of my money on a manicure. It would be rude for me to ask friends to buy my lunch every day until my next check comes.

True. Every now and then friends like to help you out, but if you are ALWAYS asking your friends to do something for you, they will grow tired of it.


I DON'T like what we are doing today at program!!! This sucks!!! I should react by doing this.

Try it anyway, when I'm with my friends anything can be fun.


My breath is starting to stink. I can feel food stuck in my teeth. I should do this.

Brush my teeth. (every day)


True or false: you should never be angry

False.  It is ok to feel any feeling you feel.  But how you express those feelings has to be appropriate


True or False: A conversation between two people should involve both people exchanging information.

True.  A dialogue means two people are sharing information with each other, it's not just one person speaking.