Success Mindsets
Study Skills
Test Skills
Critical Thinking
Beliefs or attitudes you have about yourself and the world that “Takes Action” and gives you power to change your life... It will help you get on teams, make new friends, get better grades, and have a better life.
What is... the Turbo Button or Mindset [1.1]
What challenges could prevent me from obtaining the grade I want? How will I overcome these challenges? You have to know the "game" if you want to have a chance to win
What is... Scout Your Classes [2.1] & Know The Game [2.5]
On Test Day, it is normal and means your body is getting ready for maximum performance
What is... Stress [3.4]
It requires you to go beyond easy assumptions.…to SEE, INFER & SHARE
What is... Critical thinking is the power to see more and understand more… you’re challenging yourself to think at a higher level. [4.1]
Mawi’s Last Name ?
What is … Asgedom [1.0]
When you believe that your intelligence grows with EFFORT. It removes the fear of failure and makes growth the only way to succeed!
What is... Growth Mindset
Start by getting rid of stuff you don't use… save time and reduce your stress… If you spend 20 minutes every day looking for lost homework, you will lose 1,000 minutes per semester. That’s over 16 hours that you could have been hanging out or relaxing that you wasted just looking for stuff!
What is... Get Organized... Less Stress, More Time... Set up a Filing System… Clear the Clutter [2.2]
I look forward to the challenge of a test
What is... What our Explorer voice tells us [3.1]
The power to see and understand more in any circumstance, whether it is a test, a job interview, or a personal problem.
What is... 3D thinking as Critical Thinking. [4.1]
Clearly shows understanding of course content. Provides sufficient supporting evidence when needed.
What is... DBA Content Mastery [4.6 DBA Guide]
It is Measurable, Achievable & Deadline-Driven. It's "Big Brother" is… Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic & Timeline-Driven Inner will set three goals for your character, beliefs, and values. Outer Code…you will set goals for your classes, extracurriculars, and personal life.
What are... MAD & SMART Goals [1.3]
Who said..."Use a note-taking system that allows you to capture main ideas and build connections—you can use Cornell Notes"
Who is... Angela GRIT Duckworth
You will use a Growth Mindset and do better on your tests.
What is... When you let your Explorer voice lead you [3.1]
The power to see the facts and make smart inferences about what to do.
What is... Critical Thinking - Life will not always give you a clear path of what to do and what not do to. [4.3]
Clearly makes connections to other relevant ideas, concepts, texts and/or real world examples as appropriate.
What is... DBA Application Mastery [4.6 DBA Guide]
"There is nothing I can do." "I’m not smart enough." "I don’t know what to do." "I never have enough time." "My problems keep me down."
What are... the FIVE [5] mindset BARRIERS and each mindset barrier can be changed to a SUCCESS MINDSET [1.5]
MAWI: "The best idea I've heard about building grit in kids is something called _____ coined at Stanford University by Carol Dweck, and it is the belief that the ability to learn is not fixed, that it can change with your EFFORT.
What is... "growth mindset" [2.3]
MAWI... "Being a good student requires tremendous courage. Instead of running from things you do not understand, you step up and challenge yourself. You gotta be a warrior with schoolwork."
What is... Instead of staying stuck in your Can Do Circle, you adventure into your Not Yet Circle. [3.3]
I am right and you are wrong; I ignore counterarguments & I am right just because I am
What is...2D Thinkers [4.4]
Hit Your Turbo & Grow Your Brain
What is... The roots of the MAWI—Critical Thinking TREE [4.6 DBA Guide]
The five [5] Success Mindsets...
What are... [1.5] • Hit your Turbo Button • Have a Growth Mindset • Set Your Goals • Stay in the Lasting Zone • Get Unstuck
MAWIs number one study secret...the NINJA SECRET that I used to do well in high school, I used to do well when I was in college. You’re going to hear me talking about this again in this course. It’s really simple: _____
What is... Study what you don’t know. [2.4]
MAWI... "Successful students spend most of their time studying the things they do not know! Unsuccessful students endlessly review what they already know."
What is... USE your Explorer voice to To CHALLENGE yourself, go through your list and figure out what you know and don’t know. Start by reviewing your old assignments! Whenever you get a problem wrong, don’t just look at the answer and move on. Make sure you know exactly why you got it wrong and figure out how to get it right next time. [3.3]
I have considered your perspective and can show you why mine is right; I prepare for counterarguments & I have clear reasons to support my case
What is... 3D Thinkers [4.4]
MAWI Said: "You have to, in the middle of the paper say, here’s why I’m wrong. Here’s why my thesis is wrong. And you have to present the opposing point of view. And then after that, you have to show why you’re still right."
What is... Short Response Counter Argument... MAWI: "You look for counter arguments that say hey, here’s what you could say against my argument." [4.4]