What are the APA's ethical code that features two (2) distinct sections? 

A. General Principles & Ethical Standards 

B. Genetic Principium & Ethyl Standards 

C. Generate Principles & Epic Standards

A. General Principles and Ethical Standards


This involves something other than a direct warning by the therapist.

A. Duty to Wage to Duty to Protest 

B. Duty to Warn to Duty to Protect 

C. Duty to Wait to Duty to Probate 

B. Duty to Warn to Duty to Protect


The APA’s ethical code of features was created in 2002.



This _____ serves as the contract between the therapist and the client. It often stores all the necessary information that the client must aware of.

A. Data Privacy Act 

B. Obligations and Contract 

C. Informed Consent

C. Informed Consent


____ is to engage in some seemingly harmless, innocuous behavior that doesn’t exactly fall within the professional relationship.

A. Boundary Crossing 

B. Boundary Violations 

C. Boundary Assessment

A. Boundary Crossing


The statements provided are all part of the PAP Ethical Standards.

(1) Resolving ethical issues, (2) Competencies, (3) Human Relations, (4) Confidentiality, (5) Hiring Applications, (6) Records and Fees, (7) Assessments, (8) Therapy, (9) Education and Training, (10) Research

FALSE. Advertising and other Public Statements


____ is an effort to protect the security and integrity of the test manuals they use. This is to prevent the questions, items, and other stimuli included in psychological tests from entering the public domain.

A. Test Selection 

B. Test Security 

C. Test Data

B. Test Security


This inherent worth means that all human beings are worthy of equal moral consideration.

A. Professional and Scientific Responsibilities to Society

B. Respect for the Dignity of Persons and People

C. Competent and Caring for the Well-being of Persons and People 

B. Respect for the Dignity of Persons and People


The statements provided are the 6 Ethical Considerations in Clinical Research.

Informed Consent, Respect and Dignity, Beneficence, Assent, Member Checking, &  Magnificence

FALSE. Malefience


Name of 3 standards of informed consent 

Standard 8.02 (Informed consent to research) 

Standard 9.03 (Informed consent in assessments)   

Ethical standard 10.1 (Informed consent to therapy)


____ is understanding of factors associated with age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin,  religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, or socioeconomic status is essential for effective implementation of their services or research.

A. Cultural Competence 

B. Continuing Education 

C. Boundaries of Competence

A. Cultural Competence


Psychologists seek to promote accuracy, honesty, and truthfulness in the science, teaching, and practice of psychology. 

A. Competent and Caring for the Well-being of Persons and People 

B. Respect for the Dignity of Persons and People 

C. Integrity

C. Integrity


The ethical standards are divided into 9 categories and 79 individual standards.

FALSE. 10 categories and 89 individual standards


Name three (3) examples of APA Ethical Standards. 

Resolving ethical issues, Competence, Human Relations, Privacy and Confidentiality, Advertising and other Public Statements, Record Keeping and Fees, Education and Training, Research and Publication, Assessment, and Therapy


What are the types of multiple relationships?

A. Monogamous Relationship & Polygamous Relationship 

B. Sexual Multiple Relationships & Nonsexual Multiple Relationship 

C. Work Relationship & Community Relationship

B. Sexual multiple Relationships & Nonsexual multiple Relationship