
Your mom tells you to do the dishes but you want to watch the super bowl which starts 30 minutes before you would be finished cleaning. Do you miss the first 30 minutes and clean for your mom, or clean them really fast leaving a chance of them still being a little dirty?

You fully clean the dishes even if you miss the first 30 minutes, so the dishes are not dirty.


Your friend started using drugs and they only told you. You are worried for your friend and their health but if you tell their parents your friend will be very mad at you and might not talk to you again. What do you do, tell their parents or keep the secret?

You must tell their parents or an adult. Even though they might get mad at you drug addiction will cause more problems.


You forgot to do your homework last night and it is due today. You could tell your teacher you did it and just forgot it at home so you don't get any points taken off. Or you could be honest with your teacher and ask if you can finish it and turn it in tomorrow. 

You should just be honest with your teacher and turn it in the next day. 


You’re at practice, and one of your teammates consistently doesn’t give their best effort during drills, which is affecting the whole team’s performance. The coach hasn’t noticed, but it’s affecting the team. Do you tell the coach and potentially cause a problem with the teammate?

Tell the coach. If it is a problem to the team it needs to end.


You discover that your sibling has been secretly borrowing money from your parents without telling them. Your sibling is struggling financially, but your parents are unaware. Do you tell your parents to prevent potential future financial problems, or do you respect your sibling's privacy and avoid telling them?

You tell your parents. Your sibling can get a job if they really need money.


You have a family event planned, but your friend invites you to a last-minute party. Do you skip the family event to hang out with your friend or stay loyal to your family?

You should go to your family event. It was already planned and the party was last minute anyways.


You are walking to your class and you come across a little bit of trash in the hallway. Should you pick up the trash and risk being a minute late to class or just ignore it?

You should pick up the trash and hopefully your teacher understands why you are late.


You’ve been practicing for a big game for weeks, but the night before, you feel sick. Do you play in the game anyway, or skip it to recover and avoid making your condition worse?

You should skip the game. A poor performance from your conditions would negatively affect your team.


You are about to hangout with your friends but you have to feed your dog and the rest of your family won't be home for hours. You don't have any time to feed the dog if you go with your friends. What do you do?

Feed the dog. The dog shouldn't have to wait for you.


Your best friend is going through a tough time and asks you to spend the day with them, but you’ve already made plans with another group of friends. Do you cancel your other plans that you really want to go to so you can be there for your friend?

You should cancel with your other friends. Your friend might really need you to be there for them.


You and your friend turned in a group project and as your teacher was grading it they notice a part they really liked and said they are going to give you extra points on your grade for it. But you know that it was your friend who added that and not you. Should you be honest and tell the teacher it was your friend who did that or take the extra credit?

Give the credit to your friend. It wasn't your work so you don't deserve the credit.


You and your teammates have to run sprints after practice for messing around. Practice ended and both you and your teammate see that your coach forgot to make you run. Do you remind coach or take the opportunity to skip the sprints?

You should remind the coach. He will probably find out either way.


Your sibling has an opportunity in an acting job that they need you to drive them to. Your parents made it clear that your sibling is not allowed to try and be an actor because they do not believe it is a real job. So do you go against your parents and help your sibling with their dream?

You should help your sibling. It is a good opportunity that could also help change your parents perspective


You and your friend group are planning to hangout this weekend. Your friends want to exclude your best friend Luke and hangout without telling him. You do not want to go behind your best friends back, but you also don't want to lose your other friends. Should you tell Luke or hangout with the group and he would probably never know.

You should tell Luke. If that is your best friend it would be very mean to go behind his back.


You’re in a group project where one of your friends isn't contributing at all. The project is worth a large percent of your grade. Do you report them to the teacher and risk them getting a zero, or do you cover for them and protect their grade, even if it’s unfair to you?

You should cover for them. Cover for them so your friend does not get a zero and then just do not work in a project with them again.


You are at practice and a couple of your teammates are talking bad about your other teammate who is not there. If you tell your teammate what they were saying it could cause tension or maybe even a fight which would be bad for the whole team. Do you let it go or tell your teammate?

You should just let it go. Telling your teammate could cause more problems which would be bad for everyone.


You have a brother who is an adult that you are very close with. But he and your parents have a lot of tension from something that happened recently. Your brother needs money you know you could borrow from your parents so he can pay his rent. Do you go behind your parents back to help your brother or let him get evicted?

Give your brother the money. Even though you are betraying your parents trust it is not worth your brother being homeless.


You and your friend are applying for the same position in a company. You are more qualified but your friend needs the money way more then you do. Do you step down and look for another job?

Step down. If your friend needs the money more you helping him is good.


You're friend is getting bullied and you want to help. And the principle says if you are or seeing someone get bullied tell  which could make the bullies more mad at your friend. Or do you allow your friend to figure it out  

Tell the teacher.


A coach at your dream college tells you if you, the quarterback, win the state championship he will offer you a scholarship. Your teammates offer to take PEDs  which would give your team a huge advantage. You have the option to let them take the PEDs and you most likely win and get offered, but at the cost of your teammates health. What do you do?

You tell them to NOT take them. It may seem worth it but you should never let your teammates take drugs just for your benefit.