Ethical Vocab
Ethical Approaches
Ethical Dilemma

An essay that explores a specific topic using objective language. 

Expository Essay


1. Right to pursue happiness 

2. Right to ones own safety and life

The Right Approach

When a situation arises where ethics is considered and one must make a difficult decision between two or more courses of action. 

Ethical Dilmmea


"No one is more special than anyone else."

This quote describes what ethical approach?

Utilitarian Approach


An ethical approach based on the natural rights a human is born with but the laws that protect those rights depend on where you live. 

Right Approach


What approach suggests people should be fairly compensated for their labor/work?

Fairness and Justice Approach


What was the ethical dilemma presented in the Self-driving cars video and discussion?

 Predetermined decisions based on data 


This approach states relationships are the basis on ethics since how you treat people in your community makes a difference 

Common Good Approach


An Ethical Dilemma that considers the overall group happiness over individual happiness

Utilitarian Approach


What approach is based on interlocking relationships that create the basis of ethics?

The Common Good Approach


What approach could be used here and why? 

As the CEO I have insider information that investing in my rival company will make me millions. I decide to make invest in the company despite knowing I can't use insider information to make money but I know I can get away with it. 

Can vary

"I believe in a society where the workers make decent wages and try to balance power between people"

What ethical approach most matches this quote. 

Fairness and Rights Approach


The framework or guideline an individual uses to help them make moral or ethical decisions. 

Ethical Approach

Ethical Approach

Framework or guideline for making ethical decisions based on what is right or wrong


Should Batman kill the joker according to the Rights Approach? Why?

1. No since everyone has the right to safety and life

2. Yes, since he doesn't respect other people's rights and takes away their right to live


Not all rights are protected over the law, it depends where a person lives. 

What ethical approach is this concerned with?

The Right Approach


Ethical Dilemma

A situation where a difficult decision must be made between two or more actions where an moral problem arises


Define Utilitarian Approach

Focused on bringing overall happiness to the group even if it sacrifices a person's needs. 


What is an example of an Ethical Dilemma?



Define Ethics

The study of what is right or wrong