Code of Ethics
AI Usage

What is an ethical dilemma?

A situation that prompts a leader to choose between two or more conflicting principles. There is no option that is 100% right or wrong. Using the 6-step approach from Tuesday, RDNs (and leaders) can work through situations that may arise


What does 'Autonomy' refer to in the context of the Nutrition and Dietetics Code of Ethics?

Clients and professionals should have the capacity to make their own health decisions. It ensures an individuals right to self-determination in their own decision making process to make specific and personal health choices 


Explain how the Black Box Principle of AI ties into ethical leadership in the aspect of Nutrition/Dietetics

BBP: refers to the lack of transparency in how AI systems produce outputs

In Nutrition/Dietetics, ethical leadership involves evidence based practice and patient-centered decisions. Use of AI tools pose as a challenge and benefit to the profession. Leaders must advocate for clear, diverse, and validated software systems for use in the field 

What does accountability mean in the aspect of ethical leadershiP?

Leaders hold themselves accountable to their actions and have integrity behind their work. They lead by example by holding themselves to the same standards as their employees


Which sweet treat is known for its antioxidant properties and helps to improve heart health by lowering low blood pressure

dark chocolate 


Define ethics in the aspect of Nutrition/Dietetics

The Code of Ethics provides guidance within the profession to reflect the values and ethical principles set forth

Potential answers: adhering to professional guidelines, use of evidence-based practice, consideration of cultural competency, maintaining integrity


What does “beneficence” mean in the context of ethical leadership in nutrition?

Acting to promote the well-being and health of the clients. It involves the taking positive steps to benefit others. The balance of benefit and risk 


A company’s AI recommendation system shows bias toward one demographic group. The leader has not communicated standards for monitoring or improving the system. What should the ethical leader do?

Potential answers: conduct audits, communicate accountability standards, put out a statement to the audience, consult with AI software company


A CEO starting their own company faces a setback during a product launch. During the team meeting the CEO dismisses employees and insists on their own approach to fix the setback. What principle is being violated?


The CEO is not communicating with the team to allow for their contributions leading to a lack of mutual respect and pullback from the employees in the meeting 


This food is high in selenium and support immune function

Brazil nuts 


What is one-way ethical practices should be integrated into an organization?

From the Global Ethics Video by Carnegie Council, they stated practices should be lived and reemphasized ever day, not just written down


Which principle of the Code of Ethics does this ethical scenario violate: sharing a client's medical or dietary information without consent 

Non-maleficence: the intent to do no harm is violated physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally 

Justice: negatively impacts the RDN/patient trust by violating fair, equitable, and appropriate treatment for that client

Beneficence: rather than positive, negative steps are taken in regards to the patients welfare

Autonomy: violation of patients right to privacy


An ethical leader fails to inform the company’s employees about how to properly use the new AI system. What should the leader do to ethically act in this situation?

Potential answers: provide clear hands on training, develop an AI position on staff, set up a hands on help line with the AI software company 


A private practice nutrition counseling service fails to meet their yearly client goals. One of the RDNs advises a meeting to discuss the factors the lead to shortfall. The team leader acknowledged their role in the miscommunication, lack of marketing, and unrealistic client goal. What principle is team leader displaying?


The team leader takes responsibility for her part in not meeting the goal. This creates an environment for openness and growth within the team


What nutrient is found in spinach and kale that is vital for blood clotting and bone health?

vitamin K


A elderly patient with severe malnutrition is refusing EN/PN treatment. Her family is adamant that she can not make decisions for herself and should receive treatment to prevent further health declines. As the RDN what should you do?

issues: family vs patient wishes, quality of life concern, patient autonomy

there is no clear "right" answer 

potential solutions: alternative nutrition options (supplements, modified diet), consult with social worker, provide all the information to the patient on the outcomes, respect the right to autonomy


Which principle of the Code of Ethics does this ethical scenario violate: recommending pork-based products in a menu plan to a client who practice Islam 

Non-maleficence: the intent to do no harm is violated through insensitivity of the clients cultural and religious practices

Justice: the menu plan does not support an appropriate treatment for the client

Beneficence: a failure to provide personalized care (use of cultural competency)

Autonomy: violation of patient's right to self-determination in their health care decisions 


A company’s AI recommendation system shows bias toward one demographic group. The leader has not communicated standards for monitoring or improving the system. What should the ethical leader do?

Potential answers: conduct audits, communicate accountability standards, put out a statement to the audience, consult with AI software company


The leader of a corporate wellness program notices high stress levels across employees. The leader advocates for a group discussion and team building exercises which help to strengthens the company. What principle is the leader displaying?  


The leader conducts group activities over individual counseling sessions which considers the entire company. This fosters inclusion and collaboration of members in the workplace 


What antioxidant is found in bright-colored fruits that helps to reduce the risk of chronic diseases?
