Utilitarian Ethics (teleology)
Emanuel Kant is associated with
Deontology - the rightness or wrongness of actions does not depend on their consequences but on whether they fulfill our duty.
Name the two types of ethics.
Metaethics & Normative ethics
Which theory is based on consequences?
Which theory places emphasis on the morality of the act rather than the consequences, whose focus is on rightness or wrongness of intentions or motives?
Utilitarianism (teleology/consequentialism)
Within the branch of philosophy, what is the branch that focuses on morality?
Significance of right or wrong. Issues of universal truth. A higher power
Which theory is non-consequential?
Maintaining one's skills is an example of a
John Stuart Mill is associated with
Utilitarianism (teleology/consequentialism)
Responsibilities that are assigned to individuals.
More practical view of how to arrive at moral standards. Good habits, duties, consequences
Normative ethics
Utilitarian (teleologist)
Free expression is an example of a
Socrates, Plato and Aristotle are associated with
A privileges granted by a governing body.
Two major groups of theories relevant to health care ethics.
Deontology & Teleology
A _______ will point out that “ do unto others as you would be done by”
Voting is an example of
Both a right and a duty
Which philosophers would say it was okay to tell a lie?
Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill (Utilitarian)
Prima facie
a fact at first glance
Emphasis is on character traits not consequences
Virtue Ethics
A ______ will point out that helping a person would be charitable or benevolent.
Virtue ethicist