To have will or freedom to make independent choices
counselors use an ethical decision making model...
When they are faced with ethical issues
Competence is an attribute held by the counselor, and is the extent to which a therapist has the _________ and skill required to deliver treatment
the client's right to be provided with enough information to make decisions about treatment
Informed Consent
Over 16, living independently, manage own finances
Situations where minors are able to consent to treatment.
Treating others ethically and do good to others
The first step in most decision making models
Identifying if an ethical issue exists
Education, Experience, and Certification
What competency is based on
A legal concept that refers to state law granting a right to a counselor to maintain confidentality
What is privilege
When counseling minors, who is ethically and legally the client?
Ethically - the child
Legally - the parent
Fairness, being impartial with our clients
the code of ethics a counselor should refer to when faced with an ethical dilemma
One of the biggest challenges to counselor competence
Communications that are permitted to remain confidential based on who the law grants the privilege to
Privileged communication
What settings are a minors' confidentiality and consent rights different?
Drug/Alcohol facility
Maintain the trust and confidence of our clients
Other professional counselors who abide by the ACA Code of Ethics
State Professional Licensing Boards
National Professional Associations
compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, or secondary traumatic stress
Types of impairment
A legal term that refers to the client's right to nondisclosure of content that is discussed in session
What is privacy
Minors have no right to
privileged communication
Do no harm
What counselors do if there is a conflict between ethics and the law.
Make it know their commitment to the ACA Code of Ethics--if no resolution can be made, the counselor adheres to the law.
The Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development
Division of the ACA that focuses on multicultural counseling competence
When a client/counselor dies, the counselor is still responsible for confidentiality
A minor client and their parent wants access to their records, although information in it may be more harmful than beneficial
Counselor should limit access. ACA Code-B.6.e. discusses client access to records and states that counselors can limit access to the client record if there is a concern that harm could come to the client from such access.