Ethics Codes 2.09 - 2.12
Ethics Codes 2.13 - 2.15
Discussion Questions
Case Scenarios

Define Involving Clients and Stakeholders

What is behavior analysts make appropriate efforts to involve clients and relevant stakeholders throughout the service relationship, including selecting goals, selecting and designing assessments and behavior-change interventions, and conducting continual progress monitoring.


When can a behavior analyst implement restrictive or punishment-based procedures according to Ethics Code 2.15?

  A. Whenever the client’s behavior is difficult to manage

  B. Only after less intrusive interventions have been tried and proven ineffective  

  C. After receiving verbal consent from the client’s family

  D. When requested by the client’s teacher or guardian, regardless of intervention effectiveness

What is B 


What strategies can behavior analysts use to effectively collaborate with professionals from other disciplines while maintaining their ethical responsibilities, and how should they address situations where there are conflicting recommendations between professionals?

- An importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, 

- Navigating differing professional perspectives

- Ensure the client's best interests remain the primary focus during collaboration. 

- Clear communication

- Resolving conflicts with other professionals


David, a BCBA, is working with a client, Emily, a 7-year-old girl with severe self-injurious behavior (SIB). After initial assessments, David proposes an intervention involving the use of physical restraint to prevent harm during SIB episodes. The restraint would only be used when Emily is at immediate risk of injuring herself. However, David does not consider alternative, less restrictive interventions, such as teaching Emily safer replacement behaviors or implementing environmental modifications to reduce triggers. Which Ethic code is David violating?

What is Violation of Ethics Code 2.15


Fill in the blank: 

Behavior analysts are responsible for knowing about and complying with all conditions under which they are required to _______ informed consent from clients, stakeholders, and research participants (e.g., ______ initial implementation of assessments or behavior-change interventions, when making substantial changes to interventions, when exchanging or releasing confidential information or records)

What is obtain; before


Fill in the Blank:

Behavior analysts select, design, and implement behavior-change interventions that: (1)______________; (2)____________; (3)_____________; (4)____________; and (5) __________. Behavior analysts also consider relevant factors (e.g., risks, benefits, and side effects; client and stakeholder preference; implementation efficiency; cost effectiveness) and design and implement behavior-change interventions to produce outcomes likely to maintain under naturalistic conditions. They summarize the behavior-change intervention procedures in writing (e.g., a behavior plan).

What is 1) are conceptually consistent with behavioral principles; 2) are based on scientific evidence, (3) are based on assessment results; (4) prioritize positive reinforcement procedures; and (5) best meet the diverse needs, context, and resources of the client and stakeholders


A speech pathologist has been known to use unethical practices and used punishment procedures during her interventions. However, all of her clients are substantially more verbal than when they started with her and she is known for achieving major growth. The child you’re working with really would benefit from speech and language pathology. She is the only speech pathologist in the local town. Ethically can you work with her?

Behavior analysts make appropriate efforts to involve clients and relevant stakeholders throughout the service relationship, including selecting goals, selecting and designing assessments and behavior-change interventions, and conducting continual progress monitoring. 

This is an example of 2.09 Involving Clients and Stakeholders


Jordan is a behavior analyst working with a 10-year-old client, Lily, who has been receiving ABA therapy to reduce aggressive behaviors and increase communication skills. After developing a behavior intervention plan (BIP), Jordan begins implementing it without systematically collecting or graphing data on Lily's progress. Even though Lily’s parents report that her aggressive behaviors have worsened over the past two months, Jordan dismisses their concerns and attributes the increase to Lily’s “adjustment period” with the new plan. Jordan continues using the same intervention without evaluating the data or modifying the plan. Additionally, Jordan does not provide progress reports to Lily’s parents or regularly review the effectiveness of the services during team meetings, instead verbally reassuring the family that "progress is happening."

What is violation of ethics code 2.13.

Jordan violates Ethical Code 2.13 by failing to regularly collect, graph, and review data to assess the effectiveness of Lily's behavior intervention. Ethical standards require behavior analysts to base their decisions on objective data rather than assumptions or subjective interpretations. By not modifying the intervention plan based on data and failing to communicate with Lily’s parents about her progress regularly, Jordan compromises the quality of services. It puts Lily at risk of not receiving the most effective treatment.


Behavior analysts ensure, to the best of their ability, that medical needs are assessed and addressed if there is any reasonable likelihood that a referred behavior is influenced by medical or biological variables. They document referrals made to a medical professional and follow up with the client after making the referral.

What is Ethics Code 2.12 - Considering Medical Needs


Which of the following is required under Ethics Code 2.15 when implementing punishment-based interventions?

  1. Continuing the intervention until the target behavior is eliminated

  2. Documenting the effectiveness and modifying or discontinuing the intervention if ineffective 

  3. Allowing punishment-based interventions without review processes

  4. Recommending punishment-based procedures as a first-line intervention 

What is B


How can behavior analysts ensure that they consistently use data to make informed decisions about client progress, and what challenges might arise when data suggests that a current intervention is ineffective?

- Data collection and analysis strategies, 

- Data's role in treatment decisions

- Consider the ethical responsibilities behavior analysts face when interventions need adjustment. 

You can also think about potential barriers to making data-driven changes, such as client or stakeholder resistance, resource limitations, or logistical challenges


A behavior analyst, Sarah, is working with a child who displays frequent tantrums during academic tasks. Without conducting a thorough functional behavior assessment (FBA) or reviewing alternative interventions, Sarah implements an intervention involving the removal of the child's favorite toy whenever a tantrum occurs. The toy removal significantly escalates the child's aggressive behaviors and distress. Despite these negative side effects, Sarah continues with the intervention, believing that the child just needs to adjust to the procedure. She does not monitor or adjust the intervention to reduce these harmful effects.

What is Violation of Ethics Code 2.15

Sarah's actions violate Code 2.15, as she fails to minimize the risk of harm by not conducting a proper assessment, not considering alternative interventions, and not modifying the plan despite the increase in problematic behavior. Behavior-change interventions should prioritize client safety, minimize potential harm, and include ongoing monitoring to assess effectiveness and side effects.


True or False - 

Behavior analysts collaborate with colleagues from their own and other professions in the best interest of clients and stakeholders. Behavior analysts address conflicts by compromising when possible and always prioritizing the best interest of the client. Behavior analysts document all actions taken in these circumstances and their eventual outcomes.

What is true

This is Ethics Code 2.10

True or False:

After selecting, designing, and implementing assessments with a focus on maximizing benefits and minimizing risk of harm to the client and stakeholders, the BCBA summarizes the procedures and results verbally to the team and parents.

What is False

Based on Ethics Code 2.13, the summary of procedures and results should be in writing.


What factors should behavior analysts consider when selecting and designing assessments to ensure they are culturally and contextually appropriate for the client, and how can they address potential biases in the assessment process?

- The importance of selecting assessments that are individualized

- Culturally sensitive

- Free of bias

-Ensure that their assessments accurately reflect the needs and capabilities of diverse clients and how to adjust assessments if potential biases are identified


Sarah is a behavior analyst working with 8-year-old Max, a child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. To address his communication delays, Max has been receiving speech therapy alongside his ABA services. Max’s speech therapist, Emily, has noticed that Max is having difficulty using his communication device effectively during speech sessions and reaches out to Sarah to collaborate and share strategies that might benefit Max across both therapies. However, Sarah disregards Emily’s request, insisting that ABA therapy alone is sufficient for Max’s progress. She refuses to share her behavior intervention plan with Emily, stating that speech therapy is not part of her job. Sarah also avoids attending interdisciplinary team meetings, feeling it would take away from her time with other clients. As a result, Max's speech and behavior goals are not aligned, and the lack of coordination between Sarah and Emily confuses Max, who receives inconsistent support across the two therapies.

What is violation of Ethics Code 2.10

Sarah violates Ethical Code 2.10 by failing to collaborate with Max’s speech therapist and not working in the client’s best interest to ensure coordinated care. The ethical code emphasizes the importance of teamwork between professionals from different disciplines, especially when multiple services are provided to the same client. By refusing to communicate with Emily and disregarding the need for interdisciplinary collaboration, Sarah undermines Max’s progress and creates a disjointed approach to his treatment.