Competence & Confidentiality
Professional Identity

Who should counselors release test records to?

Only people who are trained to interpret the data.


What is the difference between certification and licensure?

Licensure is governed by states and is the most rigorous form of regulation. Certification is a process by which an individual is deemed competent in a field.


What is the difference between egoism and altruism?

Egoism is operating from self-interest, altruism is operating out of benefit to others.


What is the wellness model and how is it different from the medical model?

Wellness model focuses on maximizing potential, not repairing what is “broken.” Reaching relative degrees of satisfaction, wellness model knows about environmental constraints


What is the penalty for violating FERPA?

Loss of federal funding.


What are the three types of records that counselors keep?

Administrative records, case notes, recordings.


Who does confidentiality and privilege belong to?

The client, not the counselor. Clients can waive their right to privilege if they wish.


What are the six principle ethics?

Respect for autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, fidelity, veracity.


What are the benefits of professional associations?

Provide a forum for members to discuss issues of importance to the group, allows for group identification instead of members addressing issues individually on behalf of the profession, provide leadership to speak on legislation issues, provide continuing education for members.


What are some concerns about distance counseling from the counselor's perspective?

Absence of visual and auditory cues, lack of security could lead to breaches of confidentiality, a relationship-building human presence between counselor and client is lacking, effectiveness of counseling non-White clients may be reduced because the counselor may have difficulty attending to the high-context communication style of a population, issues that are interpersonal in nature cannot be addressed effectively using this medium, not being able to discern when a client’s condition poses a threat to self or others, determining an appropriate fee structure for distance counseling, protecting clients from incompetent or unqualified distance counselors.


What is an interrogatory?

A type of subpoena that requires written answers to questions.


What is a fiduciary?

A person who has the position of trust and confidence in a relationship. Counselors are the fiduciary in the therapeutic relationship.


What is the difference between ethical relativism vs ethical absolutism?

In ethical relativism, culture and circumstance is important. In ethical absolutism, a principle holds regardless of circumstance or culture.


What are the two types of divisions within the ACA?

Counseling in various employment settings, counseling in various interest groups


What does "culturally encapsulated counseling" mean?

Defining reality according to one set of cultural assumptions and failing to evaluate other viewpoints.


For what reasons do counselors keep records?

Continuity of care, helping clients measure growth, and counselor's own legal protection.


In what circumstances is it permissible for counselors to terminate client relationships?

Client no longer needs assistance or is being harmed by more counseling, clients do not pay agreed-upon fees, counselor is in jeopardy of being harmed by client or someone in the client’s life


What is the difference between utilitarian ethics and deontological ethics?

Utilitarian ethics does what's best for everyone, deontological ethics follows the rules regardless of consequence.


What are the steps whereby a group achieves professional status?

1) Forming associations, 2) changing names to reduce identification with the previous occupational status, 3) developing a code of ethics, 4) prolonged political agitation.


What are some concerns about distance counseling from the client's perspective?

Absence of personal warmth, frustration with the pace of online counseling, and problems with using the technology


What are SOAP notes and how are they formatted?

A format for clinical case notes.

S: subjective info reported by client

O: objective results of tests

A: counselor assessment (impressions) of client

P: diagnosis and treatment plan


What are the two legal elements of informed consent?

Professionality (information that a physician would have provided to a patient in similar circumstances); Materiality (the amount of information the average patient would consider adequate in deciding whether to accept treatment.


What are the six parts of the model for professional practice?

Most to least important:

Intentionality (heart in the right place); principles and virtues; ethical, legal, and professional standards; self-awareness; skills and models; courage of convictions.


What are the six criteria for determining professional maturity?

Defined role and scope of practice, unique services offered, specific knowledge and skills, explicit code of ethics, legal right to offer services, profession can monitor itself.


What are the three forms of microaggressions?

Microassault: blatant verbal or nonverbal attacks that are intentional and convey discriminatory and biased sentiments

Microinsults: unintentional comments or behaviors that convey rudeness or insensitivity or demean a person’s cultural identity in some way

Microinvalidations: verbal comments or behaviors that exclude, negate, or dismiss a person’s thoughts, feelings, or experiences