The concept you develop about yourself that evolves throughout your life. Where you grew up, the color of your skin, your beliefs etc.
What is Personal Identity?
Dividing people into groups based on their physical appearance. This is generally something you inherit, something biological.
What is Race?
This group was fleeing violence and religious prosecution.
What is Mormons Settle Utah in 1847?
Baldwin suggests that white identity is built on what fundamental issues
What is the denial of Black humanity and history?
In chapter 1 of Racial Fault Lines Almaguer references which sociologist first.
What is/ who is Herbert Blumer?
The way you define yourself in relation to others. Think of social membership.
What is Social Identity?
This group was not formally counted in the U.S. census until the 1890.
What are American Indians?
Buying massive territory west of the Mississippi River. Which today make up the states of Louisiana, Arkansas, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and South Dakota.
What is the Louisiana Purchase of 1803?
Baldwin argues that the burden of addressing racism in America falls on.
What is the white community?
Baldwin argues that the central issue with whiteness is.
What is the existence of social constructs used to maintain power?
A process by which minority groups adopt the customs, behaviors, and norms of the dominant culture.
What is Assimilation Theory?
The identification of people from different geographic regions, including their religion, language, and other customs.
What is Ethnicity?
People were able to claim up to 160 acres of land.
What is Homestead Act of 1862?
The idea that the U.S. had permission to expand westward to spread its culture.
What is Manifest Destiny?
A framework that explains how marginalized communities experience systemic oppression similar to colonized nations.
The process of cultural exchange that occurs when different cultural groups come into contact.
What is Acculturation Theory?
A Social and legal classification in the 20th century asserted that any person who was even one ancestory of black ancestry is considered black.
What is the One Drop rule?
Banned labourers from entering the U.S., and denied residents the right to become citizens.
What is the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882?
We practice sedentary agriculture, had political forms that Europeans recognised as regular governments, and lived to some extent in urban concentration.
What is the difference between "civilized" human beings from "savages"?
A model that emphasizes the role of active participation in society to shape identity and social change.
Assimilation is used interchangeably with this other term.
According to Baldwin, white Americans generally react this way when confronted with racial injustice.
What is denial and defensiveness?
I became an official state 2 years after the Treaty of Guadalupe was signed.
What is California Statehood of 1850?
The attitudes, ideologies, and politics associated with blatant forms of white or European dominance over non-white populations.
What is white supremacy?
Exclusionary practices in the past still impact housing segregation and economic opportunities today.
What is Housing & Gentrification?