A visual tool that helps people understand themselves and others, and improve their interpersonal relationships.
The four quadrants represent different aspects of a person, including their feelings, motivations, and experiences.
Johari Window
A belief upheld by the master narrative that a person in the United States who works hard, assumes personal responsibility, and maintains a strong moral center can accomplish anything.
Bootstrap Narrative
maintain hopes & dreams despite barriers
aspirational capital
An entertaining yet factual style of writing
Narrative Nonfiction
navigational capital
Skills to handle social systems like making a phone call to the Gas Company or filling out application forms for a job.
Narrative Historical Nonfiction
An entertaining factual story based on true past events and experiences that also often contains the authors point of view and insights on events that occurred.
Highlights the strengths and forms of value that many communities possess.
Community Cultural Wealth
The long-lasting impact of particular events, actions, etc. that took place in the past, or of a person’s life.
Knowledge nurtured among family and community that fosters cultural traditions and history.
Familial Capital
A collection of individuals sharing similar economic circumstances.
Social Class
Intersectional Identity
A MULTILAYERED analytical tool that describes the way that different parts of our identities “intersect” (race, age, gender, class, etc.) and overlap with various forms of power (RACISM and OPPRESSION).
A tool that helps instructors evaluate student work by identifying criteria and performance levels.