Native Americans
Latino Americans
Asian Americans
African Americans

What is a reservation in regards to Native Americans?

an area of land set aside for occupation by North American Natives


What is the difference between someone who is Latino and someone who is Hispanic?

Someone who is Latino is from Latin America or a country with a Latin-based language.

Someone who is Hispanic is from a country whose primary language is Spanish


How many countries in Asia are there?



This type of slavery was used in the US to ensure the  generational enslavement of African Americans

chattel slavery


What was Mrs. Nevarez's last name before she got married?



What does AIM stand for?

American Indian Movement


In which war did the US acquire Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, California, and other states from Mexico?

Mexican-American War


Why were Japanese Internment camps created?

Out of suspicion of Japanese Americans due to the attack on Pearl Harbor


Before the 13th Amendment abolished slavery, this amendment partially abolished slavery

Emancipation Proclamation freed enslaved people in Confederate or rebelling states during the Civil War


How many years has Mr. Chan taught at BHA?

This year is his 21st year


Why were Native American Boarding Schools created?

to assimilate Natives into society


What is the idea of Manifest Destiny?

American settlers and colonists believed they were compelled by a higher power to conquer and civilize lands all the way to the West Coast
Name 3 push factors and 3 pull factors

push: Opium Wars, Vietnam War, Taiping Rebellion, political instability, famine, natural disasters

pull: Gold Rush, Railroads, Immigration Act of 1965, STEM programs during the Cold War, safety


Name the 3 approaches to the Civil Rights Movement.

Political Power, Civil Disobedience, Black Power


What year did BHA open?



Name the 4 US policy eras in regards to Native Americans in chronological order.

Assimilation, Self-Governance, Termination/Urbanization, Self-Determination


Name and describe 3 different events or strategies of the Chicano Movement

East LA Walkouts, Brown Berets, United Farm Workers, Grape Boycott, Chicano Moratorium, etc.


Describe 3 acts of resistance from Asian Americans against oppression in the US.

Paper Sons and Daughters, Garment Workers' Strike, Teaching self defense classes during COVID, Yuri Kochiyama leading marches and protests during the Civil Rights Movement, participating in WW2, Civil Liberties Act of 1988, etc.


Describe the differences in W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington's ideas.

W.E.B. DuBois: advocated for higher education of African Americans, wanted to develop a "Talented Tenth" that would serve as an example for the rest of African Americans

Booker T. Washington: advocated for trade skills education, or vocation school for practical jobs. He believed this would be the fastest way for previously enslaved African Americans to acclimate to US society.


What kind of dog does Ms. Lord have?

golden doodle


Name 3 successes in Indigenous history.

Boarding school closure due to the Meriam Report, Self-Governance Era, Religious Freedom Act of 1978, the AIM, Native parents camping outside of the boarding schools, Pursuing court battles against the US government for the Adoption Project, etc.


Compare and Contrast the immigration policy towards Latinos in the 1930s and 1940s

1930s: Mexican Repatriation, people from Mexico were deported to Mexico and scapegoated for the Great Depression, people were forced to sell their property for below value and were displaced

1940s: Bracero Program, welcomed back Mexican immigrants for farm labor during WW2 when soldiers enlisted and were drafted


Name and describe 3 immigration policies that pertained to Asian immigration.

Chinese Exclusion Act, Gentlemen's Agreement, Immigration Act of 1924, Magnuson Act, Mc-Carran Walter Act, Immigration Act of 1965


Name 3 different tactics used by African Americans to resist against oppression 

Civil Rights Movement: sit-ins, boycotts, marches/protests, legal action- Brown v. Board

Black Power Movement: creating their own police force to protect Black communities against police brutality, creating a holiday, Kwanzaa, to celebrate Black culture and history, embracing African American history and culture including hair, style, music, attempting to take down capitalism, Hip-Hop and R&B


Name all of the teachers who teach sophomores

Mrs. Nevarez, Mr. Thompson, Mrs. Lanz, Mr. Schroyer, Ms. Esparza, Mrs. Khan, Mr. Chan, Ms. Chi, Ms. Lord