Dating Etiquette
Table Manners
Job Etiquette
Social Etiquette
Online and Other

When someone asks you out, how do you politely say no?

a. I would NEVER go out with you
b. I'm hoping someone else will ask me
c. I'm sorry, but I already have plans for Saturday
d. Nope, not happening

c. I'm sorry, but I already have plans for Saturday


When someone says 'elbows off the table' what do they really mean?

a. Don't lean on the table
b. Don't rest your head in your hands
c. Don't eat with your elbows glued to the tablecloth
d. All of the above

d. All of the above

When doing an interview which of these thing is NOT recommended?

a. Shaking hands when introduced
b. Showing up on time
c. Having your phone out to take notes
d. Being polite and using respectful titles (sir, ma'am)

c. Having your phone out to take notes


When giving a gift, which of these should you NOT do?

a. Remove the price tag
b. Include a card
c. Diminish your gift ('You probably won't like this' or 'I couldn't spend much')
d. Wrap the gift

c. Diminish your gift ('You probably won't like this' or 'I couldn't spend much')


Elevator etiquette: Which should you NOT do?

a. Let people get off before getting on the elevator
b. Stand a reasonable distance from other people
c. Push the button again after it has been pushed
d. Run the 'Open door/Close door' if you are standing by the control panel

c. Push the button again after it has been pushed


When a relationship is no longer working, you should...

a. Be annoying so they break up with you
b. Ghost them
c. Talk to them in person and work things through
d. Text them goodbye and then block them

c. Talk to them in person and work things through


What is the proper amount to tip?

a. 10% for poor service
b. 15% for good service
c. 20% for excellent service
d. You should always tip 20%

d. You should always tip 20%


Before sharing anything to your profile, ask yourself if it could affect...

a. Future opportunities for you
b. Your pet
c. The President
d. Your appetite

a. Future opportunities for you


Which two phrases should be used in almost every circumstance?

a. Yes and No
b. Please and Thank you
c. Pardon me and Bless You
d. I'm sorry and You're Welcome

b. Please and Thank you


Noise etiquette: Which does NOT apply?

a. Tell people when they are on speakphone
b. Speakerphone conversations are okay in checkout lines and bathrooms
c. Silence alarms and notifications in quiet spaces
d. Don't play your music loudly in public

b. Speakerphone conversations are okay in checkout lines and bathrooms


Which of these do you not need to take into account when giving a gift?

a. The weather
b. Timing
c. Selection
d. Proportion (cost)

a. The weather


Buffet rules: Which does NOT apply?

a. Don't sneeze on anything
b. Don't be the first one in line
c. Don't bring your dirty plate back, get a new one
d. Don't get more than one course ahead of other people

b. Don't be the first one in line


You aren't feeling well, but you just got a job. What do you do?

a. Call in sick
b. Go in anyway
c. Find a sub
d. Wear a mask

a. Call in sick
also accept c. Find a sub


Which of these should you do while having a conversation in person?

a. Maintain eye contact
b. Interrupt if you have an important thought
c. Use profanity because you sound older
d. Share any rumors you've heard about people you both know

a. Maintain eye contact


When texting, which of these is NOT helpful?

a. Checking your spelling and grammar before hitting send
b. Using sarcasm
c. Asking for permission before tagging people
d. Using emojis

b. Using sarcasm


When someone asks you out, do all of these except...

a. Ask super early
b. Get to know the person first
c. Do the asking yourself
d. Be specific about the date

a. Ask super early


Where does your silverware go when you are done with a meal?

a. Next to your plate
b. Keep them in your hand
c. Under the table
d. On your plate

d. On your plate


When you are in a meeting, it is acceptable to do all of the following, except:

a. Have a drink
b. Eat food
c. Take notes
d. Ask questions

b. Eat food


Which of these is NOT appropriate touching?

a. High five
b. Slap on the behind
c. Fist bump
d. Side hug

b. Slap on the behind


It might surprise you, but only one of these rules is incorrect. Which one?

a. Don't leave a voicemail
b. Don't say yes when you mean no
c. Men don't always pay for the meal
d. Answer all texts right away

d. Answer all texts right away


On a first outing, how do you pick up your date?

a. Honk from the car
b. Text that you are there
c. Go to the door and meet the parents
d. Meet the person at the location

c. Go to the door and meet the parents


When eating a meal with company, you should NOT do which of these things?

a. Put your phone away
b. Eat your meal as soon as you are served
c. Put your napkin on your lap
d. Chew with your mouth closed

b. Eat your meal as soon as you are served


At work, follow each of these tips except...

a. Keep your area and uniform clean and tidy
b. Limit personal conversations
c. Avoid work gossip
d. Answer emails weekly

d. Answer emails weekly


What is the 15 second rule of thumb?

a. If you burp for 15 seconds, you get a free soda
b. If you notice something awkward that someone can change in 15 seconds, mention it
c. Keep eye contact for 15 seconds before you blink
d. Don't kiss longer than 15 seconds on a first date

b. If you notice something awkward that someone can change in 15 seconds, mention it


When it comes to social media, which of these is NOT a good idea?
a. Take a break before responding to negative comments
b. Avoid spamming people with messages, wait for a response
c. Accept all friend requests
d. Keep your personal information private

c. Accept all friend requests