What side of the plate should the cup go?
Right Side
True of False: If someone asks you to pass only pepper, should you pass salt as well?
True: always pass salt and pepper together even if they only ask for one.
True or false: Make "yum yum" sounds to show that you are enjoying the food.
False, do not make and noises to indicate a preference or distaste of any food.
Should you practice good posture?
You should make an effort to use phrases like please and thank you?
Yes! Be grateful to your host.
How do you know what Utensil to use?
Work outside in. If food is on plate, use fork. If served in bowl, use spoon.
Should you wait until everyone is served before eating?
Describe continental (european style) of holding fork and knife.
Fork in left hand, knife in right hand.
Should you silence your cell phone while at the table?
True or false? It is ok to chew with your mouth open as long as you do so quietly
False. Don't chew with your mouth open.
Where should napkin be placed.
On your lap.
To your right. If you are starting offer to the person to your left first, then pass right.
Describe American Style (zig zag)of holding your fork and knife?
Cut while holding fork in left and knife in right hand, then when done cutting place knife at top of plate, move fork to right hand, then eat piece of food.
It is OK to use your phone at the table as long as you ask the host if it is ok?
No, if it is an emergency, excuse yourself from the table to make the phone call.
False. Finish chewing before responding. (tip: try to slow down while eating and take smaller bites to avoid an awkward silence.
How should fork and knife be placed if you will return to table.
Fork slightly slanted, with knife resting on top of plate.
Should you wipe your hand with a napkin, dab it, or does it not matter?
Dab it.
How should you eat soup?
Dip spoon away from you, then sip from the side.
Should you push away empty plate when you are done?
no, simply rest your silverware on your plate slightly tilted to indicate you are done.
If there is a name place setting should you should alter it if you do not like where you are sitting.
False, don't alter place settings even if you are not sitting by your friends.
How should you place fork and knife if you are done eating?
Parallel, slightly slanted on plate
If you have to leave for any reason how should you do it?
How should you eat and butter your bread appetizer?
break it off into small pieces and butter each piece individually
If food gets stuck between your teeth what should you do?
Politely excuse yourself and get it out in the bathroom