How many states are there in the USA ?
How many times Barack Obama has been elected as a president?
What is the most played sport in England ?
What is / was the most watched sitcom in the USA ?
What is the name of the documentary we watched ?
What is represented on the Mount Rushmore ?
4 of the most iconic presidents of the USA
Yankees or Mets
How many Fast and Furious movies were released ?
How do you say "Orthophoniste" in english ?
Speech Therapist
What is the capital of New Zealand ?
How did JFK die ?
He was shot in Dallas
What does N.B.A. mean ? (The N, the B, The A)
National Basketball Association
Where are the Beatles from ?
What does WHO stands for ?
World Health Organization
What is the largest state in the USA ?
What year Nelson Mandela became president of South Africa ?
What is the most watched sport in the world ?
Who is the most famous singer in US history ?
Elvis Presley
What are the names of the main characters in the movie we watched in class ?
Daniel and Katie
Which river runs through London ?
The Thames river
Who was the first president of the USA ?
George Washington
Why is Katherine Switzer famous ?
First woman to run a marathon
What are the names for the genres of movies from India and Nigeria ?
Bollywood and Nollywood
Who is the director of the "I, Daniel Blake" movie ?
Ken Loach