What intersection does Eugene live at?
Woodbine and 16th
How many SGBC walkathons has he attended?
What post secondary school did Eugene attend?
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
What is Eugene’s preferred beverage in the morning?
Black Coffee
What year did Eugene start to join SGBC?
What is Eugene’s favorite book in the Bible?
Where does Eugene currently work at?
Bank of China
What is Eugene’s favourite house chores?
Washing the dishes
What is Eugene and Crystal’s wedding date?
September 17th 1994
Name 5 positions that Eugene has served at in church.
LG/Cell group leader, Worship team, Usher, Deacon in Training, Church Choir, Youth and Children Sunday School teacher, Scout Leader, Evangelism Committee
What was Eugene’s dream career?
Becoming a doctor
What is Eugene’s favourite sport?
Table Tennis
How many years did Eugene been a Scouts leader for 3rd Unionville?
What year did Eugene get baptized?
How many times did Eugene run the TCS Toronto Waterfront Race?
He ran the half marathon three times (21.1 km) and the marathon 1 time ( 42.2 km)
Name the countries where Eugene did missions?(outside of Canada)
What is Eugene’s favourite food? Need to be specific
Name 5 Life Group/ Cell Group that Eugene has been involved in.
Agape, Chrestos, Rei, Para, Crosswalk, Cross+Gen
Other than working at Bank of China, what is the other bank that he worked for?
Bank of East Asia
Name 10 countries that Eugene has visited other than Canada and China
England, USA, Japan, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Singapore, Vietnam, Taiwan, France, Germany, Netherlands, Korea, Belgium