Anna is so free-spirited; she loves to travel alone, try new things, and follow her own path, no matter what others think.

Anna can be a bit eccentric and unconventional; she often dresses in wild outfits and rejects social norms, making her hard to predict.


He's a kind guy, but he's not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to solving math problems.

A polite way to say someone is not very smart. Variations include "not the brightest crayon in the box.

e.g. He's a kind guy, but he's not very smart when it comes to solving math problems.


She was a late bloomer in her career, but now she's one of the top performers in the company.

Someone who develops skills, confidence, or attractiveness later in life.

e.g. She took longer to succeed in her career, but now she's one of the top performers in the company.


John is such a people person, he gets along with everyone at work and is always the center of attention at events.

A very social person who is good with people.

e.g. John is very sociable and enjoys interacting with others, which is why he gets along with everyone at work.


At the party, Emma was a bit of a wallflower, quietly observing from the corner instead of joining the dance floor.

The opposite of a people person; someone who is shy or introverted.

At the party, Emma was shy and reserved, preferring to stay on the sidelines rather than participate in the activities.


After years of successful business ventures, Sarah is now considered quite comfortable financially.

Sarah is very rich after her business took off and started generating millions in profit. 


Since the job market has been tough, James has been financially struggling for the past few months.

James is poor and struggles to make ends meet.


Sarah is currently between jobs and looking for new opportunities.

Sarah is unemployed and hasn't worked for the past few months.


Due to company downsizing, Mark was laid off last week.

Mark was fired from his job last week because the company was reducing its staff.


After a long and fulfilling life, Grandpa is now pushing up daisies.

Grandpa has died after living a long and full life.


She was deeply saddened when her beloved pet passed away last week.

She was deeply saddened when her beloved pet died last week.


Many senior citizens enjoy participating in community activities and programs.

Many old people enjoy participating in community activities and programs.


She bought a pre-owned car to save money on her new vehicle.

She bought a used car to save money on her new vehicle.


He was sent to a correctional facility after being convicted of a crime.

He was sent to prison after being convicted of a crime.


I’m feeling a bit under the weather today, so I’m going to stay home and rest.

I’m feeling a bit sick today, so I’m going to stay home and rest.