How many tens and ones are in the number 12?
1 ten 2 ones
Break apart the number 23 into tens and ones as an addition sentence.
1 more than 29 is ____
Fill in the missing symbol:
20 __ 18
3 tens + 1 ten =
4 tens
How many tens and ones are in the number 34?
3 tens 4 ones
Break apart the number 14 into tens and ones as an addition sentence.
1 less than 30 is ___
24 ___ 14
4 tens - 1 ten =
3 tens
How many tens and ones are in the number 29?
2 tens 9 ones
Say an addition sentence for 9 ones and 3 tens.
10 more than 20 is___
Fill in the missing numbers in the sequence:
16, ___, 18, ____, _____
17, 19, 20
19 + 10 = __
How many ten sticks and single cubes would you have for the number 54?
5 ten sticks, 4 single cubes
Write an addition sentence for the following statement: 30 more than 8 is...
10 less than 26 is ___
Fill in the missing symbol:
1 ten 8 ones ___ 3 tens 1 one
Show the answer using the arrow method:
12 + 20= ___
On Board
How many tens and ones are in the number 9?
0 tens, 9 ones
2 more than 10 is...
10 less than 19 is ____
Fill in the missing symbol:
36 ___ 3 tens 6 ones
Draw coins to show the answer to :
On Board