Name 1 country on the Scandinavian Peninsula
Norway or Sweden
Why is Scandanavia the "Land of the Midnight Sun"?
Winter days sun never rises; Summer days sun never sets (so close to Arctic Circle)
What animal(s) was the surprise at the end of "The Interlopers"?
What are the Danube, the Rhine, the Seine, the Thames, and the Tagus?
Who broke away from the Catholic Church and started Protestantism?
Martin Luther
Name 1 country on the Iberian Peninsula
Spain or Portugal
What is the shape of Italy?
(pack) Animal(s) Hannibal used to cross the Alps to get to the Roman Empire
"Mare Nostrum" was the Romans' nickname for what body of water?
Mediterranean Sea
What is the unit of currency in MOST European countries now?
Name of mountain chain between Spain and France
What is Mont Blanc?
Highest Mountain in Europe (Alps)
What is the mistral?
Wind that keeps France cold in winter
What is/was the Concorde?
Fastest plane in the world (no longer used)
What popular beverage sustained people to work long hours and was "healthy"?
Tea (caffeine - energy; boiling water purified it)
Where is the Massif Central?
France (an upland region)
French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese are which language family?
Romance (Roman from Latin)
Italian city started by people who escaped invaders (went inland)
Where (country) did the Industrial Revolution begin?
Great Britain (United Kingdom)
What famous document was written in 1215? King not above the law!
Magna Carta
Apennine Mountains divide which country west-east?
Name a leader who tried to unify Europe by conquest
Charlemagne, Napoleon, Hitler
1945-1991 is the period known as the ___ ___
Cold War
How many countries in Europe touch the Pacific Ocean? (exact number!)
What year was the Maastricht Treaty that created the European Union?