Usually wealthy property owner with nobility. They argued for protecting the traditional monarchies of Europe.
Answer: Conservative
When did the Clash of Philosophies take place?
Answer: During the 1600's
What does culture mean?
Answer: A shared way of life
Mostly middle-class business leaders and merchants. They wanted to give more power to elected parliaments.
Answer: Liberal
How long did the Clash of the Philosophies last?
Answer: Around 250 years
What does religion mean?
Answers: A religion shared by all or most of the people
Favored drastic change to extend democracy to all people. They believe that governments should practice the ideals of all the French Revolution
Answer: Radical
In the first half of the 1800's, three schools of political thoughts struggled for what society in Europe?
Answer: Supremacy
What does history mean?
Answer: a common past
The belief that peoples greatest loyalty should not be to a King or an empire but to a nation of people who share a common culture.
Answer: Nationalism
Who was the very first Philosopher?
Answer: Thales
What does territory mean?
Answer: a certain territory that belongs to a group that claims it as their land