Scientific Revolution

What was the Renaissance?

The rebirth of Europe; an era of scientific and artistic discovery after the Middle Ages


What caused the Reformation to happen?

People were upset with the church's policies and wanted them to change (corrupt officials, indulgences, etc.)


What was the primary motivation for Europeans to explore?

To find a better trading route to Asia (money!!!)


Explain the process of the scientific method.

Forming a hypothesis, gathering data, doing an experiment, forming a conclusion


What was Mary Wollstonecraft's contribution to the enlightenment?

She advanced the idea of equality between men and women. 


Why were living conditions so terrible in the Middle Ages? (Give 3 reasons)

Constant war, disease, famine/starvation, splintering of the Catholic Church


What is an indulgence?

A document that could be bought from the church, which supposedly allowed you to go right to heaven


What is the Columbian Exchange?

The trading of new goods between Europe/Africa/Asia and the Americas


Why was the church mad at Galileo for helping to establish the heliocentric model?

The church believed in the geocentric model, and did not like to be wrong


Explain the idea of the separation of powers.

Separation of powers is the idea that power should be split between individuals or groups so no one in power can take advantage of the government and abuse their power


What began the Renaissance?

The rediscovering of classical texts from ancient Greece and Rome


What was the Catholic Church using much of their indulgence money to build?

St. Peter's Basilica (big church in Rome)


During the Age of Exploration, what sort of empire did the Portuguese have?

A trading-post empire


Name three discoveries of the Scientific Revolution.

Advances in chemistry, anatomy, planetary motion, heliocentric model, gravity, etc.


What was the role of salons during the enlightenment?

They functioned as a meeting place for philosophers and others to meet and discuss the ideas of the enlightenment


Why did some European Christians stop trusting the Catholic Church and the Pope during the Renaissance?

The Renaissance popes were mostly focused on accumulating power/wealth...not spiritual well-being

According to Martin Luther, what was the most important thing you needed in order to get into heaven?

Faith in God


What were the stops on the Triangular Trade Route and what was traded at each stop?

England- Manufactured Goods

Africa- Slaves

The Americas- Raw goods


What is empiricism?

The idea that first-hand experiences and knowledge are the best way to learn


Explain the idea of laissez-faire economics. 

"Laissez-faire" economics represent the idea that government should stay completely out of business and regulating companies- eventually, everything in the market will take its course and work out for the best


What was humanism?

The belief that education should focus on bettering life on Earth/human life, not focusing so much on God and getting to heaven


How did the Reformation lead to the German Peasant's War?

The peasants realized that their leaders, as well as the church, had been lying to them about what was in the Bible and they wanted more rights


Name 5 things that were traded on the Colombian Exchange

Tobacco, Coffee, Diseases, Livestock, Squash, Corn, etc.


Why was the use of the scientific method throughout Europe important for the scientific revolution?

Because everyone was using the scientific method, it became easy to reproduce/duplicate experiments from around Europe, and easy to build on the results of those experiments. 

What is the social contract?

The idea that the government should work for the people; people should not work for the government