European History
Map Skills
Physical Geography
Cultural Geography/More History
Economic Geography
What form of government did the Greeks pioneer? p289-90
Which countries make up the “Land of the Midnight Sun”? 280
Norway, Sweden, and Finland: north of the Arctic Circle.
How have landforms contributed to ethnic differences in Europe? 274-75
Mountains contribute by making the movement of goods, ideas, and people difficult
Why are their many linguistic and religious differences in Western Europe? 296-297
The Roman Empire and the Reformation
What has allowed Western Europe to economically develop quicker than areas of Eastern and Mediterranean Europe? 276-277
Western Europe has access to more resources (Italy vs. France)
What form of government did the Romans pioneer? p. 289-90
a Republic
Which peninsula is bordered by the Norwegian Sea, the North Sea, and the Baltic Sea? 273-274
Describe the Northern European Plain. p 275
A variety of crops are produced in abundance and stretches acoss most of nothern Europe.
What are some results of the British Empire that can still be seen today? 303-304
English is spoken in more countries than any other language
Find a map of Eastern Europe. Which river might Eastern Europeans use to transport goods to Scandinavia?
Oder River
What is a primary effect of the Irish potato famine? p. 305
The emigration of Irish to other countries
Compare and contrast Nordic and Balkan countries. 306-307 & 314-315
Nordic- Cold, Northern, similar languages and religions Balkin- Warm, Southern, differeng languages and religions
What are some results of Europe being a land of peninsulas? 273-274
-The nearness of the ocean and seas has promoted trade and travel -Each peninsula has developed its own agricultural specialty -The inhabitants of the various peninsulas have developed into separate cultural groups
Several wars were caused by a rivalry between which two countries?
France and Germany
Why are Western and Eastern Europe different economically? How are they different? 298-300 & 313
Western Europe: primarily democratic (free-enterprise), many resources, industrialization Eastern Europe under the influence of communism (Soviet Union)
Who controlled Eastern Europe after World War II? p.311-13
The Soviet Union
How is Venice different from other cities in Europe? 283-284
Venice is a city built on over 200 islands and is a city of canals instead of streets.
What factors have contributed to the deforestation of Europe? 284-85
-Winds blow emissions there from industrial regions and those emissions cause acid rain. -Forests are cut down to provide wood to burn for fuel and to use as building material for ships and houses.
Why did the Renaissance begin in Italian city-states? 291
The availability of classical art to serve as models/ wealthy merchants
What countries are profiting from finding petroleum in the North Sea? 276-277
United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Denmark: export oil to other nations=MONEY
What happened to Yugoslavia in the 1990's? 320-21
Torn apart by ethnic conflict
What is the largest rive in Western Europe?
The Danube
What is the North Atlantic Drift and how does it affect Europe? 278
- A wind that blows from west to east bringing warm temperatures and moisture to Europe. - It helps countries in Western Europe (France) to become major agricultural producers.
What are some of the reasons for how religion is distributed throughout Europe? Language distribution? 296-297
-Catholicism remained strong in lands that were once part of the Western Roman Empire -Eastern Orthodox Christianity remained strong in lands that were once part of the Byzantine Empire -Protestantism spread most successfully in the lands farthest away from Rome
Why would an increase in in world oil prices negatively impact Italy? 276
Italy does not have access to the North Sea Oil fields and would have to rely on oil from outside countries to fuel its economic infrastructure.