what is the capital of Denmark
what is copenhagen
what is the capital of Germany
what is Berlin
what is the smallest European country
what is Vatican City
what is the most common served food in italy
A. lasagna
what is pizza
what is the capital of Italy
what is the capital of Finland
what is helsinki
what is the capital of France
what is Paris
what is the biggest European country
what is Russia
what is the most commonly served food in greece
what is gyros
what is the capital of Greece
what is Athens
what is the capital of Norway
what is Oslo
what is the capital of Spain
how many countries are in Europe
what is 44 countries
what is Sweden most known for
northern lights
what is the capital of Sweden
what is Stockholm
what is the capital of Greenland
what is nuuk
what is the newest European country
which country experiences 24 hour daylight commonly known as midnight sun
what is Norway
what is the capital of Poland
what is Warsaw
what is the capital of Faroe Islands
what is Tórshavn
what is the capital of Åland Islands
what is mariehamm
how many Scandinavian countries are there
what is 4
what is the cleanest country and cleanest capital (two different areas)
what is Estonia. what is helenski,finland
what Is the capital of Kosovo
what is Pristina